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Been messing around with the weapon editor and got the CBU-72 Fuel Air Explosive to do some serious damage. By changing the explosive mass entry to 1500kg it now has the blast wave will now destroy almost anything in a 50 meter radius.


Before anyone says that it's not "real" because the CBU is only a 200Kg class weapon consider how a FAE works. The older models releases aproximately 500lbs of etheyline oxide gas and at the proper dispersal point the vapor is ignited, see attached...




The result is the effect of a 2000 pound class weapon in a smaller package. Blast and heat do the damage with an overpressure at least 5 times a standard Mk80 series bomb. If anyone is interested I'll post the entry to the weapons ini later on. Right now I'm looking at changing the visual effect so that it looks like the animation. I'll keep everyone informed of what I'm doing.

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Glad to see someone doing something about that... I'm sick of dropping FAB's directly on top of trucks and not destroying them...

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So, maybe there's a way to make napalm destruction radius/cone better now?

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Hopefully, but remember, a FAE's destructive effect is in it's blast. The best examples I can give are a grain elevator explosion in which fine grain dust in suspension is somehow ignited. The dust burns so rapidly that the expanding conflagration bursts the grain silo if it is completely or partially sealed, the gasses can't escape fast enough to vent safely. Example number two would be a leak in a Gasoline container where the vapor collects in a confined space and is ignited. One cup of gasoline vapor is equal to several sticks of industrial grade dynamite.


Napalm on the other hand depends entirely on the effects of heat and flame. To make the napalm effect a larger area you would need to adjust some entries in the Weapon editor and use an unfinned canister. You want the fire bomb to either tumble or spin laterally to case the most damage. Once I get the FAE to where I feel it has enough power I'll look into the increasing the yield of the napalm stores.


BTW, Stary I really enjoy the hell out of your improved explosions packs. They make a lot of difference in the game especially in low light or bad weather conditions.

Edited by firehawkordy

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Just an update, I'm still working on the explosive yield, increased to 2500Kg. It's still not taking out heavy structures but soft targets and vehicles are getting seriously hurt. If I'm satisfied with the next round of tests I should have the ini edit posted by next weekend.

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