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Extracting music question

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Hey there. I don't know if this is the right forum but I have a question. Is it possible to extract the music from Jane's Fighters Anthology? I've looked in the files but there is no music or sounds folders. I supposed its built into the game. Is there a tool to extract the music? I like to put all those great tunes in my TW sims.



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Hey there. I don't know if this is the right forum but I have a question. Is it possible to extract the music from Jane's Fighters Anthology? I've looked in the files but there is no music or sounds folders. I supposed its built into the game. Is there a tool to extract the music? I like to put all those great tunes in my TW sims.




All those files are compressed into an archive. In Janes F-15 and F-18, that file was named "SOUNDZ.RWV". The F-18 guys developed an extraction utility, which they christened "F18SoundManager", that also worked in F-15, and may possibly work in FA. You can get it here: http://tsh.war-fighters.net/index.php?opti...0&Itemid=29

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Thanks Fubar512 for the response and link. Unfortunately I can't find a "SOUNDZ.RWV" file within FA. Thank you anyways.

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IIRC, the music is stored in one of the LIB files.


Unfortunately, you'd need the FA Toolkit to access them. I don't think it's availalbe anywhere; I can't even find my old copy!!



kevin stein

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Thanks Wrench for the FA Toolkit tip. I did a Google search and was able to find it. The readme doesn't display for me nor does the program's help function. I suppose its fairly old now. However I was able to draw out some music files using the program off of the FA CDs. However not all of the music is available doing it this way. For example I can't find the music that plays in the FA front menu page. I have found things like the Jane's Opening logo sounds and some other music as well as even the audio clips from some of the older USNF campaigns which is fun to hear again. I'm even finding sound clips and voice clips that I don't ever recall hearing back when I first played USNF/ATFGold/USNF97/FA. I wonder if these were sound clips that were just extra files that didn't end up getting used in the game. Or maybe its been so long since I played them that I just don't remember them.


I'm trying but I can't seem to get the FA Toolkit to let me open up those lib files you were talking about. And my izarc archival program says its an incompatable format and therefore can't extract it.


Thanks again.

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so if we wanted we could have the TW games play van halen everytime we fired a missile :biggrin:

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That was an interesting video. I love planes and jet aircraft too. :flyer: I'll try to fiddle around with it some more but I think I've looked through just about all the list of sounds that it will show me. You would think If I could access the Jane's music as well as other music(including the sound clip with Nixon's speech that then goes into music) that the main menu music would be somewhere to be found. Maybe its in one of those LIB files like Wrench said but I can't get into those.

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They had and ATF tookit as well and I was able to pull out a bunch of great tunes from that. Man, remember some of the upbeat tunes with a little spanish guitar mixed in?


Still can't get to the FA main menu music erggh!

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