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Guest pfunkmusik

Just Ordered SF2...

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Guest pfunkmusik

Please don't kill me for asking, aside from the new cat extractor, what do we have out there for it?


I'm writing a review for SimHQ and I want to FULLY test its moddability this time, I have NO intention of repeating my previous mistakes.


Thanks for your help,



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Skins, add-on Aircraft, additional stock campaing, much better textures(stock) and as TK has stated tools to be released for the modding gurus to do what they do best. oh additional AI planes.

Edited by Viper6

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Concur with the above: most A/C work with it (just got it a few days back myself), and for some reason or another it seems to handle bigger engagements a lot better than the earlier versions of the game, even at Oct. 2008 levels. There's a few kinks I still have to iron out, but I haven't finished reading the sticky up here where I'm guessing most questions were already fielded.

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Guest pfunkmusik

Where is the Knowledge Base for SF2?


I'm trying to figure out what to put where.



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Where is the Knowledge Base for SF2?


I'm trying to figure out what to put where.



I was hoping and asking that one was started.

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Here is my recommendation, review the sim as is because, not everrything is known on how to mod what based on the new file structure. I do not think a fair reivew can be done for it based on its moddability due to the lack of knowledge on it.


I have done my share of review writing for those many years I was with Avsim and you never write a review on a sim based on what you can add to it after you have bought it. Out of the box is the best way to review. Now later an article, not a review on how moddable it is would be more appropriate.

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Right. The game is brand new, so modding for it is in its infancy (relatively).

At this time after SFP1's release we had little to go on and had to make do with what it had and what little we could do ourselves without tools.

A year later and OH what a difference. :grin:


Personally, I don't know which of TK's sims I consider the best "out of the box"...probably WOI. While SF2 has numerous improvements over WOI's release, the lack of MP and the lesser diversity of the planeset knock it down to 2nd.


I'm not talking about how I feel about each of them now, purely on how I felt about each of them at their release.

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