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Copying The WoI F-16 to WoE?

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I am trying to Copy the WoI F-16 to WoE. I extracted all the F-16 related files from objectdata.cat and objectdata01.cat, but, where are they placed ? the data.ini for example goes in the aircraft folder but where are the rest placed ? in the objects root? etc


Thanks :)

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Well, aircraft related files go the aircraft (i.e. F-16) folder, cockpit files in the cockpit folder in said aircraft folder, and so on. Decals should go to a seperate folder inside the corresponding skin folder, but make sure that you update the decals.ini.

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shouldn't decal files just be copied in the WoE Objects>decals folder?

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Err... Well, yes, if there's a decal folder, you might copy them in there. That should save you the trouble of updating the decals.ini.

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So in WoI, structure wise, unlike WoE (SF, WoV), decals is a separate folder inside each skin folder? For example each skin folder has their own decals folder? and what has to be edited is the filenameformat where the correct path of the decal graphics is indicated?

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Exactly, but I see no reason why it shouldn't work with the Objects/Decals decal folder as well.

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oh it does work that way too :)


Now i have a fully working WOI F-16A in WOE :) Thanks

What impressed me is that i didn't had to do anything regarding the loadouts/weapons. Pythons are already installed in WoE? ...



Something else i brought over from WoI is the environment data. From the first time i ran WoI i saw a very clear difference in lighting quality. The light was much more realistic and pleasant in WoI than WoE. Even the october08 patch didnt change that in WoE. I copied the WoI environment files in WoE and voila feels like a new environment indeed! so much more realistic. Together with the widesky clouds edit (i didn't use the rest of this mod) and the Brain32 tiles (+CA_Stary trees) its like looking at FSX with a good payware F-16 addon :P (*) plus theres a working combat side


(just noting the known, for a FSX addon price you get a whole simulator title from TK)





Edited by squid

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Thanks Starfighter ! :) i am using your files now to compare if my manual process is wrong somewhere :)

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i am still missing the LERX contrails though .... how do i copy that?

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ok found it :) F16LEX.ini in Effects

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lol, I'm copying all the planes and terrain from WoV and WoE to WoI! :blink:

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I would think that the best way to do a fully merged install is to start with WoV, then install WoE using the merged option, then apply the latest October 2008 patch for WOE. If you used the download versions from the Third Wire store, they start at the 08.30.06 patch revision and WoE comes with the F-104G installed. At that point, install SFP1/SFG, patch to October 2008. Merging SFP1/SFG into the WoV/WoE install is a fairly straightforward effort aside from any differences in squadrons and associated decals/paint jobs. Of course, if you have the original SFP1, you get the stock C-130A as well.


The problem with bringing in WoI is the vast number of files that are completely different. So whether you merge from any other sim to WoI or WoI to any other sim, there are lots of things to copy/edit. There is enough work involved that I haven't bothered to do it, whereas the SFP1/WOV/WOE merged install can be accomplished very quickly. But with WoI merged in, the complete "Strike Fighters Anthology" install is quite impressive even before any addons. Throw in all the cockpit mods for stock MiGs/Sus and you get a lot more flyables for just a little more effort. Install the century series, Razbam series, Pasko series, Mirage Factory series, and a few other releases to have the most complete fighter jet combat sim every available...


If that didn't take enough of your time, add all the WW2 stuff!

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i have the boxed version of WoE (man i like having the sims boxed) and it doesnt have the F-104 ... how do we add that again? or is the current downloadable version having it in? (having the boxed version does it qualify for a free download ?)

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Pythons are already installed in WoE? ...


I've noticed that they are in SF2 as well - along with Shafir's and Mirage tanks, etc. It looks like 'stock' weapons will be common across the revamped Vista titles.

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i have the boxed version of WoE (man i like having the sims boxed) and it doesnt have the F-104 ... how do we add that again? or is the current downloadable version having it in? (having the boxed version does it qualify for a free download ?)



is it this maybe? :) http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1485

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Ye be the TW F-104G. So you could use that one or one of Adjundairs F-104 series.

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