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How About This For Nose Art?

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Not looking for a paint job like the Idol Master Project but some nose art of Haruhi and Asahina.


Here's what I did for Flight Sim but I'm not too sure that I can master repaints for TW aircraft.



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On what plane do you need it on and where? If you done skinning, I guess that's MSFS? All textures are 24 bit bitmaps, no DXT settings.

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There's few people doing this (besides myself with the Touhou Project characters and the ones doing the IM@S girls). There's two methods of doing this:


1. Using it as part of the aircraft's skin. Although this would solve the problem of finding out the meshes involved, the trouble is that finding out the mapping (which goes where) is troublesome, and there is the risk of the art not turning out good (especially in skins below 1024x1024 in resolution).


2. Using it as a decal (as in, making it a .tga). Problem is the 3 decal limit per mesh, AND finding out which mesh is affected (I need THIRTEEN entries in the decal.ini for the wing of an F-4E, as seen in my thread). However, since you're using it as a nose art, it is way easier. Personally I would use this method, since the nose art would end up sharper compared to applying it directly onto the aircraft's skin (depending on the size of the decal itself), and you did not need to mess with the aircraft's skin. And change the decal at will.


One of my attempts:




For the F-4D, these is what I used:





















Edited by kct

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Thanks for the answers. As I thought adding just some art work is beyond my skill at this time. I have some vacation coming up so I'll have time to experiment.

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Though, the biggest challenge would be dealing with transparency for the .tgas that you are going to have.


OFF-TOPIC: Other than the fact that Haruhi is hot, the rest of the anime were bleh. Novels did it way better.

Edited by kct

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My grandson thinks his mom looks like Haruhi, the rest of the family agrees. The anime is confusing at first though I've started the manga last month.

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Anime was confusing because they were throwing the order of events all over the place, just to give the "WTH" factor.


My grandson thinks his mom looks like Haruhi, the rest of the family agrees.


Sounds scary.

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OFF-TOPIC: Other than the fact that Haruhi is hot, the rest of the anime were bleh. Novels did it way better.


Kyon here. :biggrin:


For making custom textures I generally avoid the decal route since its not very detailed. Its great for numbering and putting roundels on lots of aircraft, but for stuff like noseart it just doesn't stand up to par. My suggestion is find the texture folder of the aircraft you want to use, copy and rename it, and modify that texture. Best to use an aircraft with a texture kit although its not impossible on aircraft without. My personal F-14 didn't have a kit, or I wasn't happy with the one supplied. Fortunatley it was mostly white and light gray anyway.




Maybe I should make a new personal aircraft with some anime noseart. I've been liking Feldt Grace a lot lately, wish she got more screen time in 00 S2.

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...Don't talk about Feldt anymore. Maybe because most of the roles by the voice actress gets the shaft towards the end (see: True Tears).

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