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Animating weapons so they fire

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Hi, I am curious. What edits does one need to mkae so that there is animation for the guns to make them fire on a model. Or basically how do you make them fire? is it just data.ini edits or is it more involved thx.

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I'm not sure I understand the question....why would a gun need an animation?? It's just a gun!


All it needs is a SystemName in whichever component (Wing, Nose, Fueselage, etc), and a listing the //Guns section of the data ini.


Fer instance, the TBF-1 mod I did removes the 2 wing 50s, and replaces them with a single nose mounted 30; there's a late model Zeke I did with with additional wing guns....


It's all data ini edits (or gundata if adding a new one, like the 7.5mm on the AdA Hawk 75)


Even gunpods don't need an animation (ala that 106G6 I did) although for some reason when fired, the landing gear flaps up and down with the guns cycling....



kevin stein

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Well, he might be asking if you can make a gun animation like a rotating barrel on a vulcan for instance.


You can actually assign an animation to a gun firing on an aircraft. For instance, the internal gun on the F-35A has a door that normally covers it. I've animated for that door to retract when firing the gun...and someone here showed me the data.ini entry needed to make it work right (MJ?).



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Hi, guys. Sorry couldnt get to you sooner(had to work long shift). basically, getting the gun to fire. Just wondered if it was all data edits or some other tweaking in a different file.

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Hi, guys. Sorry couldnt get to you sooner(had to work long shift). basically, getting the gun to fire. Just wondered if it was all data edits or some other tweaking in a different file.


Well, a gun must first have an entry in the gundata.ini. If it's a non-standard gun, you must accomplish this with the gun editor. Then, the weapon must be placed on the airframe (in the case of an aircraft), via adding the appropriate entry in the aircraft's data.ini file. I suggest using data from an existing model, to make it easy for your first attempt.

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Boys for example ...

I want to encourage a bomb with wings like. SVBD.

Or the MK-82 with tail braking.

But I move with my 3-D MAX, and when exports and the flight does not operate.

I would also encourage the pumps back by parachute.

How can I achieve this?



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Well, he might be asking if you can make a gun animation like a rotating barrel on a vulcan for instance.


You can actually assign an animation to a gun firing on an aircraft. For instance, the internal gun on the F-35A has a door that normally covers it. I've animated for that door to retract when firing the gun...and someone here showed me the data.ini entry needed to make it work right (MJ?).




Odd, my F-35 doesn't have any gun. I thought they forgot to add the missionized gunpod. Then again I maybe have fouled up the install as I always do.

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