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Something Different

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Well Gerwin made a Hill scheme F-16 skin. So I capitalized on it by extracting the WOI F-16, renamed it to F-16A_Blk10 because that is what it is. Then I started making units that flew the Block 10. Each with real serial numbers.





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We have the DO tail which is the 89th TFS, 906th TFG, WPAFB. Now the 89th FS is part of the 445th AW, 89th AS, flying C-5's. That is my current unit. The NA tail is the 428th TFS, 474th TFW Nellis AFB. The HL tail is the 4th TFS, 388th TFW, Hill AFB. Finally the WP is the 35th TFS, 8th TFW, Kunsan AB, Korea

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So....this'll replace the original Blk 10 from 2004???


Looks like I better get busy extracting, for to be putting it in my WoE 'all is everything install'


as Mr. Burns would say..."Exxxccceeellllnt"



kevin stein

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Very nice!


The Netz does very well in SF2. I'm looking forward to these skins.

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Took about a half hour to extract everything needed, do the ini dance to re-Americanize it.

This is with Gerwins's skin. And that damn "Frack Me Van" again...


Think the A-A loadout it wrong -- never seen US Vipers WITHOUT wing tanks, but I jut stuck the CL tank on for this shot. Loadout ini needs a little more tweeking...



kevin stein

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Great stuff. Wonder if TK will do this for Strike Fighters Europe or whatever the Vista version of WOE is going to be called?

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Took about a half hour to extract everything needed, do the ini dance to re-Americanize it.

This is with Gerwins's skin. And that damn "Frack Me Van" again...


Think the A-A loadout it wrong -- never seen US Vipers WITHOUT wing tanks, but I jut stuck the CL tank on for this shot. Loadout ini needs a little more tweeking...



kevin stein




Not to rain on your parade but MJ and I are doing all sorts of correct loadout tweaks, avionics updates ect. It will be a package just without the LOD's etc. It will be era specifc for the blk 10. Thus why you see a mix loadout of AIM-9L's and P's on it for example. But do not get me wrong, I am nto telling you to stop but didn't want you to do double duty.

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Sometimes no drop tanks.


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No sweat brother!!! I just wanted to get it up and running, so as to test and see.

Maybe get Jug to dial in some landing lights and such like???


As to the fuel tanks, my personal experinece comes ONLY from seeing the T-Birds, whilst taking the tour of the facility at Nellis. We were lucky enough that they were out practicing, and came back to roost. Got to sit on the flight line, and watch them taxi in and all that. Most Impressive

(and the fact one was down for maintence, and all taken apart -- the mechanic in me was in love!! love I tell you!!! :wink:


I will (im)paitently wait the required "2 weeks" :rofl:



kevin stein


btw: any thoughts for a Tex ANG?? will look good on the rebuilt ASW map :yes:

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Tex ANG??


Did they fly the Blk 10?





No they flew Blk 15's and later.

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465th FS, 507th TFG, Tinker AFB


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107th TFS, 127th TFW, Michigan ANG. My home state


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Final 2 for 8 skins total. All real units and tail codes.


429th and 430th TFS, 474th TFWm Nellis AFB.



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