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It's a crazy idea, but it just might work......

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Ah Sugar! I forgot about the helos and Cruds. I think with all the flight deck and hanger space we are stacking our fixed wing assets with, we'll need a DDG size ship with 4 spots aft for 2 SAR / Combat Logistics Helos and 2 Cobra's. Nothing messes with Helo ops more then fixed wing cycles. Or is it the other way around?

At any rate a carrier should have a small boy escort and helos for plane guard.

If the detailer is filling asignments my request is to be the skipper of the A-1 squadron. We'll have a mixed bag. SPADs and 3 AD-5Ns for ASW and COD duties.

Lawyers? can someone mod up a lawyer pod?

:ph34r: CL

Edited by charlielima

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Lawyers are pretty good noise-makers. Maybe we can use them as decoys for acoustic-homing torpedoes?

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Nice idea, but you will face one small problem. The french way to start planes from a carrier is a little bit different from the american or british way. They use a cable which is linked to the aircraft and is lost after the cat shot.

What means, that you cant launch Tomcats, Hornets, Buccaners, Phantoms etc. You will have to choose only french planes like the Rafale or you will have to choose Harriers.

A better way would be to reactivate an old american carrier .

Edited by Gepard

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Not true, the Buccaneer and Phantom were both launched by a cable attached to the catapult as were all the American aircraft pre-Tomcat/Intruder. The largest things you can definitely get off those cats is Buccaneers and probably lightly loaded Phantoms. Not sure about the arrestor gear though...

Unfortunately all four airworthy Buccs are lacking the hook on points for the strops having been built as S.2Bs, although I know where there are a couple of S.1s that could probably get off the ground...


Just remembered the Rafale hooks on via the nose gear the same as modern US stuff so it should be possible to use either method as the cat will be dual purpose.

Edited by SkippyBing

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"I think you're gonna need a bigger boat," for the Tomcats.


But, I'd be willing to swipe a Crusader and give it a go.


No need to read on....i'm sold. :biggrin:

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