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Can 'Instant Action' be disabled?

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I never, ever play 'Instant Action' but occasionally hit that screen button by mistake. So can it be disabled?

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I don't see why it couldn't...


you'd probably have to extract the main menu ini (in one of the menu cats???), and just comment out the section for it, or reduce the button size to 0



kevin stein

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I for one would second that,nothing is more annoying than accidentally hitting the 'Instant Action'button.

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Yeah i did it for a campaign on here - would have to check how i did it now

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extract mainscreen.ini - it goes in the "menu" folder


then stick a semi colon in these bits -as here:






















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This remined me of something, and I went and experimentated last night...


You can edit EVERYTHING in the IA.ini, except the map you use it on. THAT is listed in the options.ini, in the main game folder, where the exe is.


You can change it to whatever you want it to be.


I redid the one in my WW2 PTO install, so now you've got Zekes and Kates and Lightnings and Wildcats over the Solomons. It was a quick and dirty, so some things arent where I want them to be, but it works!


My "Prop Cold War Gone Hot" (1947) install, while using the stock GermanyCE terrain, has an IA with nothing but post-war aircraft.



kevin stein

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