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How do you open and edit a .TGA file?

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For those with ATI cards having issues with a white square in the HUD here is the fix for it.


Resize the "F-18_pitch.tga to about half its size and make it square. Then you will be set.


Both F/A-18A's here at Combatace and Column5's are the Mirage Factory's.




This is great information but, it is not complete. How do you open or edit a .tga file? I tried "Paint" in the Microsoft Windows XP operating system but, it could not open the file. I assume this is a graphic I need to change the size of.


I have conducted searches in this forum for "How to edit a .tga file?" and "What is a .tga file" without any success. I would appreciate your assistance in this matter. Thank you so much! :dntknw:

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Use programs like Gimp, Photoshop or Paintshop Pro. Maybe one of the members who have it already done can post it here for you. Can someone assist?

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Thanks guys! I really appreciate your quick response to my questions. I downloaded the "Gimp" program and I thought I succesfully reduced the size of the image by 50% and save over the old file. But, this had no effect. I'm still seeing a large white square in the middle of my H.U.D. in the F/A-18 from Mirage Factory plane.

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This series requires 32-bit TGAs (24-bit + 6-bit for the alpha channel). If you're not saving it in the proper format, it's not going to work.

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This series requires 32-bit TGAs (24-bit + 6-bit for the alpha channel). If you're not saving it in the proper format, it's not going to work.



Thanks for the heads up. I've tried three different graphics applications available for the Microsoft Windows XP operating system and I do not find that option in any of them. I assume each graphics program would save the file in the original format that it was opening it from. I could be wrong. Thank you for your help though. I really appreciate everyone's quick responses to my questions.


It's too bad. The F/A-18 is one of my favorite aircraft. I sure wish I could have gotten it to work in the game.

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I banged my head against the same post, KTickner, and ended up shelving my plans for global domination and decal creation.


Needless to say, I was shattered...



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It's too bad. The F/A-18 is one of my favorite aircraft. I sure wish I could have gotten it to work in the game.


You can, send me the file and I will resize it for you. Or does someone have it that can PM it to him?

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I've been using paint.net. Great program, just a par under the capabilities of PhotoShop. And it's free!!!!!

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