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how do I do it?

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I'm pretty intrigued with this multiplayer option. I'm hoping there will be the same mp activity here as in the old forum (which I hadn't yet gotten around to checking out really). I've NEVER done ANYTHING multiplayer before, though, so could someone point me in the right direction for info on how to do it, and how to set up for it? I've looked through the BHAH manuals and the old forum and didn't see anything (can't search there in OFF anymore). Is there info on my CFS3 disk somewhere (never installed CFS3 itself)?


Are the doves and hawks usually the only mp sessions for OFF BHAH? Could I host one myself?


Also, what do I get so I can talk to everyone during the session?


All help appreciated.

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would love to get new people in mp, so it would be great if you could join up.


this is the site for doves and hawks..http://www.freewebs.com/dovesandhawks/index.htm


sign up, and someone will tell you what you need to do next.


probably gonna need a stumpjumper to english dictionary as well....


make sure you are patched to 1.25e in off3


but,,your post says you never installed cfs3, which puzzles me,,,you have to have cfs3 intalled, and patched to 3.1a before you can install off3,(unless you have the dvd version of cfs3....) so if you can clarify...


and,,,i would zipp over to the old soh off3 forum as soon as i can,,,


they have the old posts up, and if you can get the infor from pds sticky on the "how to do mp", it would be a great help to you.


also,,get teamspeak,,,(teamspeak.com ) all you need is the teamspeak client...bout 5.4 mb ....server ip is (note colon) password is camel,,,,,nickname is whatever you chose...


dont know if stumpjumper has anything planned for tonight (thursday) but if not, i will definaly put something up around 8ish edt, and will be glad to help you to get online,,,both hosting and joining..


so if you can find a mic (wall mart has a great mic/headphone combo for only 17.99) and get teamspeak up ,,it wont take much to get you in mp


hope to see you in the air



Edited by sitting_duck

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I just bought the CFS3 cd from Amazon so I could install OFF, and since I didn't install OFF until the P3 version, I did the install where you just put the CFS3 cd in the drive and OFF copies and installs just the files it needs. So there's no separate CFS3 folders or anything on my drive.


I tried clicking on the Multiplayer "button" in OFF last night just to see what would happen and after selecting the date and mission (random), I clicked on "accept" or something like that and CFS3 crashed (or so the warning messages said). OFF kept going, though. Weird. Do I perhaps need more/other files from CFS3 for mp? I can install CFS3 fully if I need to, but would prefer not to.


And I joined D&H last night as well. I'm a member now. I looked for a "how to do mp" sticky on SOH and didn't find one, but I'll look again now that I know it's there.


And I'll get teamspeak. And look for that mic headphone combo at Walmart, hopefully today. Can't make tonight's session (dance class duty for my daughter until about 9:00 Central), but will try to get things in order so I can make the next one.


Thanks for the help. Looking very much forward to this.


Edit: I looked again at the SOH for anything like a "how to do mp" and couldn't find anything. Could you point me toward that with a link?

Edited by griphos

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ok,,,not totally sure about this,,,but am pretty sure.....


if you have the dvd of cfs3, then the off3 install will take the files it needs off the dvd,,no need to intall cfs3


if you have the cd of cfs3. then it has to be installed and patched to 3.1a, and run at least once,,before you can install off3....


now,,,if i understand your post correctly, you told off3 to take the files from the cd, rather than an installation (which by the way,,,i didnt think would work,,but guess it does), and have been able to fly all other aspects off off3 ok...other than mp


if this is the case,,,not sure if you are going to be able to play mp or not, without going thru the hassel of uninstalling off3, installing cfs3, patching it..running it once,,then reinstalling off3,,,and getting the 1.25e patch...


you may want to post in the forum to get another opinion. Find it hard to belive that if you have the cd version of cfs3, dont install it and install off using the cd's the only problems you are going to encounter are in mp.


and sorry,,pds post is in the off1 & 2 forum, not the off3 forum...my bad...but this is the link http://sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?t=2636


we play pretty late sometimes,,,,and,,if you give me an earlier time,,i am pretty flexible, and usually can get on to see what we can get done.

Edited by sitting_duck

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Thanks, Duck,


I got the thread, and copied the text and slides into a Word document so I can send it to myself at home.


On the install, I think the cd I bought was 3.1 (I don't know about "a"). Anyway, I started the OFF install first, and it asked for the CFS3 disk, and I inserted it, and it installed just fine. I've been playing OFF3 with the latest patches as they come out without any trouble whatsoever, with the single exception that if I try to access manuals from within the game, after closing out of them, CFS3 crashes. Maybe that and the MP crash are because of the way I installed. I'll post in the OFF3 forum and see what people think.

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yes deifntly have you enlisted wiht doves now gripohs and most ppl have learn how to read stumptyping(lol) dont worry about any of the addon files yet lets get you up and going wiht the stock stuff first, then grow on that, very pleased to have you and allthe others that have joined up wiht d & h, as far as others i belive uk widowmaker is wokring on some online stuff as well and thru team speck we will get you trained in hosting mp as well, the doves and hawk site is still very new and will take me and nio some time to get things comeplty orginzed with how tos and what nots! so bear wiht us as far as when we fly i will always send out emails.post on the d&f calandr and post inhere as well, whenim home and off during the day i can usallybe found ont he outlaw team speck server usally wihtin ear shto anyway, belive duck posted the info on that

Edited by stumpjumper

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what i think is happening here is that you got a dvd of cfs3......and the 3.1a patch did something to bombers i belive,,,so although they say its required, i think you can install off3 without it.

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Thanks Stump,


And Duck, it's definitely the cd version, not the dvd. It's two cds, actually, although OFF only needed the first one. I had downloaded the patch, in case I needed it, but it didn't seem to. I've posted over in "General Help." We'll see what the devs say.


Thanks again!

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Duck and/or Stumper,


We need to get together on TS one of these days to work out a way for me to host games. Frankly, I'm not sure if I can or not. I run Vista 64 and I don't think any games based on the CFS engine will let me host. I also run a Linksys router that needs to be dealt with.

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the router is no problem,,,thats the router i have,,


and,,,dont know if you have noticed,,but deadmeat is a demi-god over at the cfs3 forum, cause he figured out how to get cfs3 to work online for vista users....so if cfs3 will work,,,cant see why off shouldnt...maybe you should pop over to the cfs3 forom at soh,,and look for his post,,they made it a sticky,,right next to the statue they erected of him...

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the router is no problem,,,thats the router i have,,


and,,,dont know if you have noticed,,but deadmeat is a demi-god over at the cfs3 forum, cause he figured out how to get cfs3 to work online for vista users....so if cfs3 will work,,,cant see why off shouldnt...maybe you should pop over to the cfs3 forom at soh,,and look for his post,,they made it a sticky,,right next to the statue they erected of him...


It works as far as joining MP games But I need to know how to host using Vista. Any way you could give me a rundown on what to do or look for to make my router work for online hosting.

Edited by Axgrinder

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axe....open up command promt,,,(from accesories) and type ipconfig....get the last 3 digits of you internal ip


open up a browser,,,and type that should open up your router window....if you have no password on there,,,user name is blank,,,pasword is admin by default


click on the applications and gaming tab.


fill it in as i have,,,but your last 3 probably will be different than my last 3......


pic seems littl blurry,,,so its 2300 to 2300 and second line is 28883 to 28887


and the last 3 of your ip go in the last box...make sure you check enable



save settings...


thats it...done



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Just to clarify you do NOT need to install CFS3 even from CD, IF you have V3.1 CD already. Many modern versions are already CFS3 3.1.


The OFF installer will usually be able to check.


If it is older v3.0 CFS3 CD then you DO need to install it and patch first.


The reason the DVD one is definitely one you do not need to install is because it's really new so 3.1 for sure :)

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Thanks Pol,


That's what I thought. And it seems the trick about renaming the .exe and shortcuting to it from the desktop with XP compatibility checked makes MP work in Vista. I'm very glad not to have to un- and re-install.


Now if the headset I ordered will get here, I'm ready to fly a differently crowded sky. What a great thing, to have a sim with the immersion and realism of OFF for campaign mode, and still be able to MP!

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Thanks Pol,


That's what I thought. And it seems the trick about renaming the .exe and shortcuting to it from the desktop with XP compatibility checked makes MP work in Vista. I'm very glad not to have to un- and re-install.


Now if the headset I ordered will get here, I'm ready to fly a differently crowded sky. What a great thing, to have a sim with the immersion and realism of OFF for campaign mode, and still be able to MP!


Hey griphos! Was a blast fighting with you and Duck the other night. laughed my butt off! Was even better when I jumped in the Newport Lewis and you couldn't see me!


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Yeah, that's quite a secret weapon!! The best part though, was t-boning it without even knowing what happened!!

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