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Just Curious

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Siggi might be able to enlighten me here. So is DID still valid with or without the new HARD CORE damage model? Is it affected at all? Or are there new sub-categories involving this? I have not yet ugraded to the latest version (will likely do so tonight) but was just curious what the "Official Perspectives" on the subject were...or are.





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Siggi might be able to enlighten me here. So is DID still valid with or without the new HARD CORE damage model? Is it affected at all? Or are there new sub-categories involving this? I have not yet ugraded to the latest version (will likely do so tonight) but was just curious what the "Official Perspectives" on the subject were...or are.






It'll be one or the other, but I've not tested yet. What are the opinions of the DiD flyers?

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It'll be one or the other, but I've not tested yet. What are the opinions of the DiD flyers?


I fly full DiD - realism at 130%. IMHO (taken with a grain of salt of course), I think either FM/DM should apply to the DiD rules for the following reason: While the enemy planes are more vulnerable (I would say realistically so) with the normal DM, so are you. So if you make a mistake, you can just as easily have a wing shot off as your enemy. If you were using the hardened DM for your plane but the easy setup for the enemy, I would say it's a different story.


I think the pilot should report the DM used (in order to give an accurate reflection of their kill count) but I don't think the normal DM should count against DiD.


I'm a graduate student of European History - and from all of the research I've done on WWI aviation and combat - the normal DM accurately refelcts what I've read in the accounts of aerial combat. Support wires and struts were frequently shot away, resulting in wing failures. Fires were frequent, and it typically did not take more than 100 rounds at close range to down an EA. Granted, there are accounts of planes that would simply not go down, but these are the exception, not the rule.


Again, these are just the thoughts of one pilot, I'm hardly an expert. So please, take these insights with a lot of salt.



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I've had a test, and if that's "hardcore" I'm a Dutch uncle. :biggrin: I dispatched six Alb DVa with ammo to spare. I think the fact they go straight down without poncing about like they used to gives the impression it's easier than it used to be.


But as CaptSopwith says, it's six of one and half a dozen of the other. Easier to kill, easier to be killed. Harder to kill, harder to be killed. In which case I can see no point in specifying either for DiD, so let them both stand as user's choice. :good:

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I've had a test, and if that's "hardcore" I'm a Dutch uncle. :biggrin: I dispatched six Alb DVa with ammo to spare. I think the fact they go straight down without poncing about like they used to gives the impression it's easier than it used to be.


But as CaptSopwith says, it's six of one and half a dozen of the other. Easier to kill, easier to be killed. Harder to kill, harder to be killed. In which case I can see no point in specifying either for DiD, so let them both stand as user's choice. :good:

Yes, but what´s the most realistic mode in the developer´s opinion?

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Stop at 1.28, I am



So you are saying uncleal, that even 1.28a has items you don't care for? What for instance...because 1.28a doesn't affect the DM. The Hard-core mod does.



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I've said it before and, I'll say it again: All this bit about fine tuning the claim system is Horsehockey, there are 3 choices. Reminds me of the guy who repeatedly hits himself in the head with a hammer. Then goes to the Doctor complaining of Headaches



I,m sorry but you seem to be speaking in riddles. So, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you are saying the claims system is different, and thats what you dont particularly care for n 1.28a. True?


Again this has nothing to do with the DM




Excuse my expertise, I graduated with a degree in "Thickology" from the "University of Notsoquick"

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Yes, but what´s the most realistic mode in the developer´s opinion?


I think Siggi was a little premature in his first opinion on hard DM Luiz. The devs opinion is hard DM is the most realistic.

Edited by catch

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Normal DM is the most realistic for me. I recently read Winged Warfare by Billy Bishop. It seems that they didnt need more than 50 rounds at closer than 70 yards.

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