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Lay Offs

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Any1 get walkin papers or have pink slips pending. Me I am facing a lay off , but I am high enough, I will get called back relativly soon if I get a furlogh. excuse my spelling had a few Jim and D Coke's

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damn dude that sucks. Hope all goes well and you dont lose your job.

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If I get lay off I may go back to school and get an additional degree in US history have the Govt. pay for it.

Edited by MAKO69

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Got mine at christmas, still looking for even a temp job to see me through to entering the Navy.

Have pretty much come to the conclussion that the "advisors" at the Job centre are a waste of space, every two weeks I need to meet them to discuss what I've been doing to find work.... and every time their advice is to try what I've already been doing since November (saw what way the wind was blowing before we went bust). Fact is there is very little to be had and my "new car fund" is taking a beating through living costs... :(



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To a fellow Sottsman good luck.

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Well got the word they laid off 17 people the city didn't go as deep as they said they were gonna go dodged that flak burst. Still sucks loosing guys, but they will get called back as retirments happen.

Edited by MAKO69

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The county I work for is in the process of eliminating jobs to meet a shortfall next FY. We've already seen the Per Diem staff get the sack. Next on the list is "Extra Help" and Permanent Part Time positions. Also any positions vacated due to retirement are going unfilled. As a shop steward I have to advise the union members to document everything that management says and does to them so they have a chance of winning if they are told their job on the line. Sucks too as I get along well with the Dept Heads for the most part.


So far I've said farewell to 7 coworkers who decided it was time to retire.

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My family's company declared bankruptcy early in the year so my father has been out of work for a while, managing a second company we have but its barely a start up. My mom was laid off from her secretary job she's been at for years. Brother's G/F was fired for some bulls**t hiring process. She doesn't have a high school degree, and the place she worked for never asked, but when they found out immediately let her go. They'd just bought a house and she has a son, and its not like the company my brother is working for is doing great either.


And then of course I'm still being jerked around by the genius's at the FAA. 4 months now just trying to get my medical approved, when I'm perfectly physically and mentally fit. They've spent 3 weeks just sitting on some medical records they wanted me to send them. Generally just unbelievable.

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It's the government...whatta expect?


No, I'm not kidding.



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Well its been one year since I started the hiring process so I expect very little at this point. Seriously wondering how long I'm going to be working for them if its going to be this stupid all the time. May have to look into becoming a contractor after I have a few years in and my certifications.

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Been laid off since mid-December, been doing some side work here and there to keep the man at bay until I ship out to basic.

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