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I have often wondered

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I have watched and particpated ( but very little) during the last 7 or 8 months watching this forum and of course the old one and wondered. How in the world do some of you fly each and every day and at the same time respond (intelligently and honorably for the most except one arrogant sob) :biggrin: and still get along in life? I know that many of you are retired...and some of you work ??? jobs and have a family. I am retired..though have a part time job that I work just a few hours a day and I am amazed...no I am ASTOUNDED at your ability to post numerous stories, pics, and above all helping others!! And hell, I can type about 40 words a minute besides! I love following the board but of my time involved in BHAH, I would say that 98% of my time is flying and the other 2% of the time is reading the board. Some of you must lead other lives!!! Just interesting observations

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I spend most of my day at work. Then when I get home and after the kids are in bed I ingest caffeine. The wife watches her shows while I go "check my email from the far east office". Then somehow flight sims load instead. I can usually get about 2 hours in a day...

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I had to quit work a couple of years ago to take care of my wife, who is handicapped, so I'm at home the biggest portion of the time. Caring for her and our 3 year old son is a full time job but I do find the time to fly. I get up at 5am and fly until around 7am when the wife likes me to get her out of bed. I tried flying at night after my son goes to bed but always seemed to nod off on the longer missions and lawn dart my crate. Sometimes I'll grab a mission when Mac (my son) takes his nap in the afternoon. As far as the forum is concerned, my computer is on most of the time, so when I have a few minutes during the day I'll check the OFF forums at CA and other sites.



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I'm lucky we have internet access at work and I have one of those jobs that are 99% boring and 1% sheer terror, so I can keep up with the forums at work during quiet times. Also I am there for 12 hrs at a stretch. When I am at home I usually load up BHaH and while away a couple of hours Over Flanders Fields.



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I only contribute a fraction of what I used to. I lost faith in the old SOH forum, round about the same time that real life went a bit insane work wise. I used to enjoy making flight sim movies too, but finding the time is very difficult nowadays. Add to this the sound copyright issues, and the latest youtube carry on, and well, maybe it's not just the lack of time available...


What brings me back into forums is the desire to help others. I'm no expert, nor can I afford the best hardware, but other people were good enough to talk me through my difficulties and help get the best out of my limited machines. If I can pass even a little of that along to someone else, then I'm happy. For me, that's the whole point of a forum. Once somebody has gone through a problem with a forum, the discussion often becomes a troubleshoot guide for others for months and even years to come. If you lose your database, (as can happen), then future help depends on the right people being there to contribute all over again. If those experts have moved on, the next best thing are the regular 'browsers' (bit like me), that maybe don't know the fixes, but do recall the threads and know where to search.


Lurkers, or folks that want help but don't want to register can often self help and do their own searches, and long may that continue.

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I spend most of my day at work. Then when I get home and after the kids are in bed I ingest caffeine. The wife watches her shows while I go "check my email from the far east office". Then somehow flight sims load instead. I can usually get about 2 hours in a day...


Ah yes, the old 'email' excuse!...works for me too!


I am self employed, so can manage my time how I see fit, but with Skinning and flying, I also require an understanding Wife (which I have thankfully)


On the odd occasion when she get's a bit 'huffy' about my foray back in time, I remind her that "At least I am not down the pub getting plastered and chatting up young Ladies"......... then I have a re-think...and head off down the Pub! :biggrin:

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Even when I'm not flying or visiting the forum I am thinking of OFF and telling anyone about it that looks at me even sideways. I does seem I get the chicken-eye often lately.


Oh yes understanding wife is a must and side by side computers is a big plus. I'm flying and she's killing minatours and collecting armour and weapons in Oblivion.

Edited by Rickitycrate

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Had this written in another thread, but fits here better:


BHaH can really keep you occupied a whole day!

First, with a pot of coffee or tea, I check and write in the forum.

Then it's time for a morning flight.

Then, I do some skinning.

After that, eat a little, and come back for a second flight.

Then, I care for the map project, I do with DEJ.

After that, a third flight.


Suddenly the phone rings: were are the print layouts you promised me? I expected them for lunch?


And I must bite my tongue, not to say: "That would be rather bad for your digestion, mate!

You are disturbing me in nothing less than trying to win the Kaiser's war in my Albatros, single handed!

I'll call you back, when I've landed!"



PS: Jim - that would be the perfect dream: if you could gain your lady for flying a crate next to yours,

in a multiplayer co-op... (Perhaps, if you start a free flight with her first, just to relax, flying over the

beautiful scenery in summer?)

Edited by Olham

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PS: Jim - that would be the perfect dream: if you could gain your lady for flying a crate next to yours,

in a multiplayer co-op... (Perhaps, if you start a free flight with her first, just to relax, flying over the

beautiful scenery in summer?)


That's an idea Olham but she loves her time in Oblivion. Maybe one day. She would be a killer, out for blood and kickin' ass. No mere lookieloo.

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When I get home the wife watches her favorite TV shows, my two boys are on there rigs so I have all the time in the world. :biggrin:

No, I'm jokin' of course, but I do find myself some time here and there.

I'm not as addicted as I was, say like two years ago.

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It's easy... I'm really a Borg and without my PC, I will die.


Any other questions?



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It's easy... I'm really a Borg and without my PC, I will die.


Any other questions?




"Resistance is futile; You will be assimilated, Ras."

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Something decent on tv..... man you're funny. Crack me up. I thought you might change the nik to Grumpyguy but uncleal works good. Curmudgeon of the family.


Oh, and no turd smoking for you old man, bad for your health.

Edited by Rickitycrate

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Hey Ras,


My wife's retired from teaching. I used to help her a lot with grading papers, school activities, etc, so she's pretty great with my computer/gaming-sim interests.


As I had posted much earlier, this is really the first forum I've participated in since mid 2000 when AMD had an obscure permission-to-join site for those trying to set wr oc's.


I usually try to take a look at what's going on early in the a.m. before I crank up work and after I get home if I'm not burned-out. I will fly QC and try different things and continue to explore differnt plane fm's. I'll fly a campaign mission early on Saturday morning or until my better half starts to stir.


Everone here is really great and I've followed many of them on other sites and through different games

(sorry, P3, to me, is a sim that has great game play) since RB.


That you're here can only be a good thing. 40 words a minute is wep speed for my hunt and peck.


And my philosophy on forum(s) is still "A noob isn't someone who asks a question, no matter how basic, but someone who doesn't know how to answer that question in a friendly, wingman like manner."

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Hey, UncleAl,

we like to be "stuck with you round here". And if you should ever get the money together,

I hope you'd still remain with us, eyh? We'd sure miss your grumpy ways...

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I know that many of you are retired...and some of you work ??? jobs and have a family.


I would have responded directly to your post earlier, but I want to check the math first.


With my 051K now being what it is, by my best estimation, I should be able to retire in 9yrs, 8 months, 16 days, 13hrs, 52seconds, 140 micro seconds and 2 nano seconds AFTER I've died.


Go to go, wife's calling.

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Well it's official I am going to retire on July 2nd 2009. :yahoo: Why not July 1st you say, because July 1st is a holiday and at this time I am scheduled for a 12 hour midnite shift at triple time on that day. I may as well go out with a bang. I don't know if I will have more time for OFF or not, I caught a glimpse of a rather long list that SWMBO is preparing for me. :sorry:



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Well it's official I am going to retire on July 2nd 2009. :yahoo: Why not July 1st you say, because July 1st is a holiday and at this time I am scheduled for a 12 hour midnite shift at triple time on that day. I may as well go out with a bang. I don't know if I will have more time for OFF or not, I caught a glimpse of a rather long list that SWMBO is preparing for me. :sorry:






A list? Are you sure it's not the intro to a book?

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No, NO! Not the dreaded Honeydo list....er..........novel. :no:

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Hi, Typhoon

Since you're the one, who sent me my first Phase 2 copy (and many thanks for your kindness again!),

I feel the urge to help you with this.

To feel good, you want some time for your fun, too. So, make an own list, with BHaH in it.

Tell her, it's doctors order. It's a necessity, if she wants a well-tempered husband around the house.

And make one sortie a day. It's become so immersive - a must-do on the priority list!

Have fun,

and all the best for the well deserved new life now!


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I don`t know. but people seem to have time and get it if they have something very special like this neat simulation.

I game yesterday back home after 14 H travelling and work. My wife bought me several bears so i can just fly and enjoy.

How the people have time to roll in these sites I don`t know.. Perhaps like me, just for jun for simulationmen

This is my first mail here :rolleyes:

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Welcome Junnu! You have stumbled onto a gold mine here. Lots and lots of great folks and information about a fantastic mutual interest OFF BH&H.



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Welcome, Junnu

A good wife you have, when she buys you cans of beer, instead of throwing them after you (Lol!)

After two or three flights in "Between Heaven and Hell", I'm rellay exhausted. Sometimes almost

trembling. It's so realistic and immersive - and then I must catch a breath, and come here.

Perhaps you will make the same experience.

Have fun!


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Welcome, Junnu!


You don't happen to know someone named Juri Melgin, from near Helsinki? LOL! He was a high school foreign exchange student I knew briefly here in the USA. It was a long time ago, unfortunately.

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