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Toning down the debris

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I love storming in at low-level and blasting cargoships, fuel tanks, parked Badgers and the suchlike but the 'flying debris' (see below) really annoys me and spoils a good screenshot too!


So I've extracted the DEBRIS.tga and reduced it to 1% opacity and pasted into my newly created flight folder in SF2.



Debris... time to fade you out!



Many thanks to MiGBuster for giving me the idea over at the Third Wire forums where someone else wanted to get rid of the enemy planes on the map.

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Sounds great, where do I download?

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Er, you don't.


I described what I did and you do the same.

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share please!

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Wanted to get rid of the enemy planes?


Does the guy know how many years it took to get them added?


And they're free targets! What is there to grouse about?


Some people's kids. You send them to school and what do they do? Eat the covers off the books...



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Wanted to get rid of the enemy planes?


Yes, from the MAP. Presumably to make it harder - and I can see how it would, as I'm often looking at the map to see what's what and who's where.

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Thank you sir, that sure dealt with a niggling eyesore!

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