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Another WOV SF2 Question: Copy and Paste Cockpits into "old WOV"

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Title about says it all - can I copy over the SF WOV2 new cockpits/models into my "old" WOV? Any side-effects or anomalies if I do this? Thanks for any insight.

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No harm in trying - You would just have to extract all of the correct files needed and put them into the cockpit folder

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Thanks Mig - should have clarified that I haven't purchased WOV SF2 yet - but if the upgraded cockpits come over that would be more enticing.

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The "new and improved" will not work in the original TW sims, since they are now using unicode. Take a look over on the Thirdwire forum where TK answered my question about exactly this issue.

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Might work with alot a Editting. Haven't tried it Backwards. I know that all the Encoding of the .INI's will have to be changed. Tried the Aircraft back when I first got SF2 in December. The "Old" Game Engine wouldn't read the Aircraft's .LOD's, It might be the same for the Cockpit .LOD's as well......I don't know.

Edited by 331Killerbee

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The LODs themself are now coded in different way, so i don't think this would be possible even after ini re-coding into older formats.

Edited by CA_Stary

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Ugh - that is a disappointment... :sad:

Wonder why the change?

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The good news is that the new cockpits are really a big step forward from the old ones. Again, I'd love to be able to use the SF2 cockpits in in the earlier titles..... Oh well.

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Well then, all I can say is that I am now even much more grateful for StreakEagle's work on his awesome F-4 "Hi-Res Cockpit" series. :fan_1: If you haven't experienced them yet, you're really missing out (check out the downloads section here under his name). Wonder if he has any plans to do some updates on these or other cockpits in the works...sounds like it would be worthwhile especially now that you can't "plug and play" with the new SF WOV2 cockpits.

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Well then, all I can say is that I am now even much more grateful for StreakEagle's work on his awesome F-4 "Hi-Res Cockpit" series. :fan_1: If you haven't experienced them yet, you're really missing out (check out the downloads section here under his name). Wonder if he has any plans to do some updates on these or other cockpits in the works...sounds like it would be worthwhile especially now that you can't "plug and play" with the new SF WOV2 cockpits.


StreakEagle is now happy playing SF2 and SF2 Vietnam. :biggrin:


Thirdwire changed some stuff so that we will buy the games once again. All the previous games will be remade anyway so why import to the old games.


I'm not complaining as these are really good quality and each game is not expensive.

Edited by jomni

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