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I never Have witnesses whats wrong with the way I wrote my claims ? (see screenshot)

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It seems i do something wrong, because my claims always says witness : nobody althought i wrote I had witnesses .... ALthought I take the name of my flight wingmans before the flight.


Edited by cosmos33

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Those are all pending claims it seems. Wait untill they are confirmed. (if they are) I think it will tell you who 'witnessed' the crash to help confirm the kill.

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Make sure you enter only the pilot's name, not his rank etc.

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I am just about to order Ph3.


From my record with Ph2 I will not be filling out to many of those forms!!!

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I was having problems getting confirmed kills, although I have just had 6 confirmed on a row, since I changed how I fill out the claim form, I now fill it out in the following way in the description field.


1 [aircraft name & type] hit solidly in the [engine/wingroot/cockpit]* area, seen to go down [out of control/in flames/spinning} and hit the ground.


*delete where applicable


Also if you shoot a wing or some other piece of the aircraft off if you work that into your description it helps.




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Also if you shoot a wing or some other piece of the aircraft off if you work that into your description it helps.



I have yet to get a confirmation on any plane i have set on fire or knocked a wing off. Kinda a bummer since those are always so satisfactory. I set one plane on fire less than a mile from my home airfield and did not get credit. claims are silly that way sometimes.

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Some examples from my logbook. Notice that both brief type and more detailed type both got confirmations.


8/4/1917 7h54 Flanders Vert Galand Airfield Defense Flying: SE5a Hispano-Suiza. On this day claims: 1 Alb DIII OAW . While flying airfield defence our six Se5s engaged five Albatross DIII at 5000ft approx ten milles SSE of Albert. In the ensuing fight I fired approx 300 rounds at three various enemy scouts, driving one down out of control and observed to crash.. Witnessed by: David Ryan. Ken Bunyan. Justin Kilmer. Status : Confirmed .


11/4/1917 15h23 Flanders Vert Galand Balloon Busting Flying: SE5a Hispano-Suiza. On this day claims: 2 AlbDII . While returning from balloon attack mission at 10000ft engaged two enemy scout Alb DII in standard colours. Fired bursts into two, both were observed to go down out of control and crash approx 10 miles SW of Lille on our side of the lines.. Witnessed by: Oscar Mendelson. Simon Alfred. Justin Kilmer. Status : Rejected .


13/4/1917 8h6 Flanders Vert Galand Scramble Flying: SE5a Hispano-Suiza. On this day claims: 3 Alb DIII . Engaged enemy scouts directly over Vert Galand aerodrome, fired bursts into three, observed to go down out of control and crash.. Witnessed by: Oscar Mendelson. Chris Colburn. Simon Alfred. Status : Confirmed .


21/4/1917 11h10 Flanders Vert Galand Patrol Behind Friendly Front Lines Flying: SE5a Hispano-Suiza. On this day claims: 2 Alb DIII . While flying patrol engaged flights of Albatri and fired bursts into two in seperate engagements, one going down vertically out of control and observed to crash into the ground, the second going down in a slow glide and seen to crash into trees, both in the very near vicinity of Arras.. Witnessed by: Oscar Mendelson. Simon Alfred. Chris Colburn. Justin Kilmer. Status : Confirmed .

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