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Some weapons questions

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If someone can answer this questions i would apreciate it:

1.in the weapons data what line i have to change to affect the speed of rockets and missiles?

2.in AHM and SAHM where is the seeker strenght?

3.Where can i find the AIM-132 ASRAAM?


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If someone can answer this questions i would apreciate it:

1.in the weapons data what line i have to change to affect the speed of rockets and missiles?

2.in AHM and SAHM where is the seeker strenght?

3.Where can i find the AIM-132 ASRAAM?




1. In the weapon editor, you'll see booster accel and sustainer accel, both measured in g. This controls the force of the rocket motors. Note that changing these to higher values will affect the missile's agility and thus pk.


2. Accuracy, Lock-on chance, noise-rejection, CM-rejection and seeker range all play a role in this. There is no single "seeker strength" parameter.


3. Not sure. I think there is one--maybe check the weapons section in the downloads.

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I check in the download sections but i don`t find any ASRAAMs

Maybe it is in some weapons pack. Can you tell me in where weapons pack is?

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I believe there was one in the old Bunyap weapons pack. However, there might be a newer one somewhere...



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Community Weapons Pack 2.52, it's there.

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Thanks for the help

I have only 1 question more:

How is it called and where I can find this rocket?


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AIM-132A or ASRAAM, The Folder will be named one or the other


EDIT....Ah, The German Rocket....Give Me a Sec....

Edited by 331Killerbee

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Yeah it is the Kramer X-4

Where I can it for SFG or it isn`t done yet? :good:

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Oh well :blink:

Then i will try to do one :rofl:

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Sounds Great. I look foward to adding it to My Weapons....

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Wikipedia has a good picture of the X-4, might help for reference. - Picture link

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It should be in Bunyap's pack, because I just looked in my updated 3.00 Community Pack and it's in there......

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Yhea, It's in the "Ordnance Shop". Listed as simply "X-4".......

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Yup, Kramer X-4. Right now, it's only used on the DATs Ta-183. Although, with some judicious editing (not sure exactly how), you could maybe add it to the 262.

It's a bit overmodeled in its present state ... maybe a some point it'll need re-editing to bring it closer to 'supposed' real life. IIRC, it's set as an IRM, when it sould be WGR. Maybe someday I'll look into it....


It's also in the WW2 Specific Weapons pack I released a few months ago. Check the downloads section here, in the "Weapons Paks" section



kevin sten

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It should be in Bunyap's pack, because I just looked in my updated 3.00 Community Pack and it's in there......



wer can i find 3.00 Community Pack

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wer can i find 3.00 Community Pack


I am working on it.... slowly but surely, replacing models, deleting unnecessary models, etc etc.

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Will pack 3.00 be SF2 or WOX/SFP1/SFG?


It is for WOx/SFP1/SFG.

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It's also in the WW2 Specific Weapons pack I released a few months ago. Check the downloads section here, in the "Weapons Paks" section



kevin sten


I downloaded the WW2 weapons Pack and there is the Krammer but it doesn´t have the .bmp file, is that a problem or it is OK

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The .Bmp the .LOD calls for is Seacatex.BMP.



where i can find it, because i don´t see it in the pack

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