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Dhl Bird Bahgdad Int'l Airport

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Here's the DHL A/C that got hit. Shot was taken from an HH-60H from HCS-5

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Intresting picture Firehawkordy.




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Here are some pics I received from a Technical Director, DHL International, Bahrain:












Lots of reverse sucking to get this beast to stop! Don't want your blades looking like this.


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Guest MrMudd

IT took a Ir Missile (SA-9 Manpad) Just aft and outboard of the left Engine. while it was on final approach.

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This was attached to the pics I received:


Aircraft was hit at 8000 FT, lost ALL hydraulics and therefore had no flight controls, actually did a missed approach using only engine thrust and eventually (after about 16mins) landed heavily on runway 33L at Baghdad. This was fortunate because with no steering the aircraft veered of the runway to the left, had they landed on 33R veering to the left would have taken them straight into the fire station.


The aircraft then travelled about 600 metres through soft sand taking out a razor wire fence in the process, see LH engine pic, and came to rest almost at the bottom of the sloping area between the runway and a taxiway.


All three crew evacuated safely down the second slide, the first one tore on the razor wire.


*The rest of the text is all technical (nuts and bolts) stuff so I clipped it*

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So how long do you think before we start seeing Chaff and FLare buckets on commercial aircraft??

If this had been and older aircraft like a MD80 or B737-200 the aircraft and its crew would have been lost.

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