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Herr Prop-Wasche

Comments on the Fokker Dr I?

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Would anyone care to comment on the flying characteristics of the Fokker Dr I in BHaH? As you know, I am thinking about tinkering a bit with the Dr I flying model, but I don't want to overdo it.


How does the current model reflect what you believe to be the true characteristics of the triplane? I know very well that people's opinions on this are going to vary a great deal, so please keep the conversation civil. No personal attacks, please. I don't want to open up a can of worms, I'm just curious about what some of you think might be improved. Of course, we are limited by the CFS3 engine, so I don't think I will be able to reproduce a flat 180 degree turn (if it was even truly capable of such a feat), but what else do you think it might have done better (or worse) in real life than it currently does in the game?


For those of you with a little knowledge of aeronautics, how well do you think the current model reflects things such as gyroscopic precession on pitch and yaw, torque, p-factor, or side-slip? Are the ailerons and the rudder too effective or not effective enough, for example?


Note that I have absolutely no plans to change any of the dimensions of the plane, or its speed, diving, or climbing abilities. I'm interested in the feel of it, more than anything. Also keep in mind that I don't want to upset the current balance of play in the sim. Ideally, even with any changes that I make, an ace in either the Camel or the DR I should still be able to easily shoot down a novice or even a veteran in the other.


A tall order, and maybe a bit unrealistic of me? Perhaps, but I like a good challenge!


Finally, I do not mean to imply in any way, shape, or form any criticism of OBD Software for their interpretation of the FM of the Dr I. I think we all agree they have done a fantastic job on ALL of the aircraft in OFF, including the Dr I. I guess it's just that most people enjoy flying the QC's or in the campaign. Others prefer to tinker around. I guess I'm one of the latter. :wink:

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Here is my review of P3. In the Flight Model section I am talking a little bit about the Dr.I FM. I have talked to Womenfly about the Dr.I as she has flown a real replica. You should talk to her. Fact is: a flat turn can not be modelled by the game engine and that is the most missing feature of any W.W.I flight sim. This would give a Dr.I pilot a huge advantage in dogfight and he could hold his own even against newer types of planes.

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This would give a Dr.I pilot a huge advantage in dogfight and he could hold his own even against newer types of planes.

As Voss so ably demonstrated...

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Don't know if it comes within the remit, but I find the sound at "full throttle" does not sound like full throttle- sounds as if it's running rough, or not at full revs.

The rev counter of the DR1 shows it between 10 and 11. Isn't it supposed to produce more revs than that?


The team did well to counteract what I experienced before BHAH - i.e if i got into a steep dive, i couldn't pull out! ( Mind you, the revs sounded high enough then -lol )


To me it seems to behave well enough, it's just that the sounds don't match the maneuvre, if I can put it that way.

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How does the current model reflect what you believe to be the true characteristics of the triplane?

When I started with OFF, the only plane I could keep in the air was an SE-5. Everything kept stalling and falling. After a bit, when I finally got my "1916 hand" going on the stick, the first new plane that I added was the Dr.I.


Now everything I've read about the Dr.I says it's extremely unstable on all three axes. They say that average pilots hated it, good pilots loved it. I expected it to try and get away from me, (whatever that means) but I guess I expected it to wander and 'snake' and be very difficult to keep lined up on the target. It has proved not so. I like it. It's certainly nimble and the only time I get into stall troubles is when I try to stay with an enemy in a climbing turn. Most times they get away, whereas if I have a D.VIIF, they don't. So far, I find the Dr.I is better than its reputation. (you could always weaken the top wing spar for a little extra anxiety and entertainment.)

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