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TrackIr discount

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Used to be from the old site, we got a discount on trackir. That site crashed,,,so could not find the info i was looking for. If anyone knows how we get the discount, would appreciate it if they could reply to this thread




also, guess it would be nice if combateace could see if they could make the same arrangement with natuarl point. I looked to see if they had already, and didnt find anything.

Edited by sitting_duck

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From the natural Point website comparison of TIR4 vs TIR 5 (LINK HERE), correct me if I'm wrong but all I'm seeing is a lot of hype, and am not sure there is any true game benefit to spending the extra money on version 5.


They talk a lot about improvements to raw sensor resolution and subpixel resolution, etc. but unless you're practicing virtual surgery (and maybe some of you sim-jocks out there are that good in the air!) it seems to me it isn't going to make a bit of difference when you're whipping your head around to check-6 in a shakey cockpit. Watch the video yourself.


Now, the field of view has increased from 46 to 51.7 degrees (apparently because the sensor is physically bigger) but is it worth an extra $50 ???


I like this bit of merchandizing though, and need some of that:

Your increased situational awareness will make you the most feared competitor around. In dogfights, you'll be impossible to shake...

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Unbelievably, no, make that as usual, I received my new TrackIR 4 on Wednesday at about 10AM and then got an email advertisement for the new TrackIR 5 about an hour later! I do like the 4 and the GUI is so much better with the new software than the previous version. I bought the kit with the accessories. I wasn't impressed with the Track Clip as I can't get it to stay attached to any hat I own without duct tape. The TrackIR operation in the game with the Track Clip Pro is superb! Unfortunately I could only get it to fit one of the half dozen sets of headphones I have, and of course they are the worst sounding ones of them all. It seems many headphones are designed with the adjustment mechanism, be it a button sliding in a slot or some combination of a button slide and elastic or spring device, these are constructed right at the top of the ear-cups. They are either too thick for the Track Clip Pro's clip to close over or if it does snap shut, the clip prevents the adjustment from operating. I had to hunt a bit but finally found a decent set of gaming headphones that I believe will work. Anyway, I am sort of relieved to hear that the TrackIR 5 isn't offering anything revolutionary over the 4.

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I have held off from buying Track IR do to the issue of lights behind causing a "poor picture".


We live in an RV (39 feet long) and my wife is often reading in a chair behind me. The bulb is not strong

and has a shade but would be in full view of the device as she is at my 6.


Any Ideas???


Thanks CW3SF

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I have held off from buying Track IR do to the issue of lights behind causing a "poor picture".


We live in an RV (39 feet long) and my wife is often reading in a chair behind me. The bulb is not strong

and has a shade but would be in full view of the device as she is at my 6.


Any Ideas???


Thanks CW3SF


Hang a full sized piece of black construction paper from the ceiling behind you. Easily removable with poster putty.


1. 1 piece of black construction paper.... $0.99

2. Some string....... I got mine from the binding on my Sunday newspaper

3. Poster putty to attach to ceiling ..... $1.99

4. Happy trackir flying ..... priceless

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I have held off from buying Track IR do to the issue of lights behind causing a "poor picture".


We live in an RV (39 feet long) and my wife is often reading in a chair behind me. The bulb is not strong

and has a shade but would be in full view of the device as she is at my 6.


Any Ideas???


Thanks CW3SF



There is an adjustment in the software -a slide control- that filters out ambient light. The camera view will show anything interfering with the TrackIR as a red spot so it's possible to "see" something is affecting it. Honestly, I have had a TrackIR 3 for about 3 years in my computer room which has a door with a window facing south-east. Even with the sun coming up and the room pretty bright I haven't had any problems. I just bought a TrackIR 4 last week and it hasn't had any problem either. My PC table lamp is a fluorescent magnifier light with the round bulb. Even with it a little to the left and in front of the TrackIR the only issue I ever saw was a reflection from my glasses at the nose piece and although it appeared in the camera view I don't think it had any effect on the game play. I really like my TrackIR and never regretted buying them. The biggest disappointment after getting one is that there aren't more games to use them in. I'd love to try a FPS with a TrackIR! hope this helps you.

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i was think more along the idea of portaroom


and,,,btw...seems the discont is now a measly 5 bucks off 149 for trackir5


If anyone comes across anything better for trackir4, please post the link, as the other one in this thread is the 5 dollar one.

Edited by sitting_duck

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After much discussion with the techs at NaturalPoint, I decided to plop down $148 for the TrackIR 5 hardware. I am also running the TIR5 Beta 4 software (latest) as well.


I must tell you honestly that this is a HUGE upgrade over TIR4. Much more than I thought. The primary difference between TIR5 and TIR4 is "increased resolution." I really scoffed at that and really thought it was nothing but marketing hype. I was so wrong. With TIR5, because there is greater resolution, there is much more responsiveness, but it is also much much smoother as a result too. I was really amazed right away. You'd have to experience it to really appreciate what I'm saying. Within fifteen minutes, I was able to get the profiles adjusted for Aces High and OFF in such a way as I have never experienced. I even left the "Roll" axis enabled in the AH profile which allows me to look around the tail better. Many of us have left that axis disabled because it caused so much confusion. With TIR5 however, the movement is so easy to control and natural feeling that the roll axis is just as natural as the other axes.


Personally, I'm loving this thing and am glad I got it.



BTW, I canceled my Aces High account the other night after ten years! Do you think I'm enjoying OFF? I don't have time for both and one had to go. :biggrin:

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That's good to hear Homeboy. I'm using TIR3 w/o vector expansion and I'm so happy to have that. When I get the money together now I know that TIR5 will be worth it.

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Just placed my order for the TrackIR 5.


You can get a $5 discount if you use the link posted earlier in this thread. However, if you buy the track clip pro and the TrackIR 5 together, they bundle it for you with a $15 discount. Total for both is $170.

The $5 discount doesnt work with the bundle...just with the Track IR 5. So if you're going to get the Clip pro along with it, it's best to use the bundle route.


2 day shipping to Hawaii = $20

Ground shipment = $23

HEH! faster and cheaper...guess the slow mules from the mainland cost them a few bucks extra, as opposed to those faster planes!

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According to UPS my Tir5 bundle should be here tomorrow so I will be racing home from work to test it out properly. :salute::salute:

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