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I'm seeing all these great AI aircraft in my WoI install and I would love to fly them. So what do you need to convert them into a flyable version?


I know I need a cockpit

any <aircraft>_data.ini mods?

Anything else?

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All you need is to add a line in the Aircaft Ini File.


Add the Line in the [AircraftData] Section.



However, WoI does not have the above Cockpit so I would suggest using the Mirage cockpit. You can find that one in the Mirage folder (or should be able to, I am honestly not sure)


Enjoy your Aircraft !

Edited by tigertompa

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Guest rscsjsuso5

which planes do you want /looking for specifics?

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Yeah, seriously...

if it's the Migs, there's a boatload of FANTASTIC Fishbed cockpits, if it's Fresco and Farmers, we got them covered too, by ordway's pits. The LARAF Mirage is also a simple edit, using the stock ones, or TMFs Mirage5 pit.


Just look in the D/L section under "Cockpits".


The WoI Hunter will be a problem, as the Hunter's pit from WoE isn't included, but I've coverd that somewhere in KB as well.


let me find the link, and post it here...



link to Arab Hunter & Others Cockpit section in KB, WoI Weapons & Other Tweeks Forum:




read the thing through a few times; you can even print it out or copy/paste to a notepad sheet. All the data you need is right there



kevin stein

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Awesome! Thanks so much guys. It's been a while since I diddled with FE so I couldn't remember.


I'm planning to jump in the Mystere, Super Mystere, and Sa'ar. Definitely a Hunter.


And what the heck, It'll be fun to fly the Migs too. I had a rough time last night in a Nesher trying to turn inside a Mig-17. Finally gave up and boomed and zoomed him 'til I gunned him down. I'd like to get inside a '17 and see what it feels like to turn 'n burn like that.


I still like my old WoE version made for the Israeli theatre, but WoI is definitely an improvement over the older sim. I can't remember where I got my Ourangon, but I'm hoping it'll work okay in WoI.

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Ordway's got the Ouragon and Mystre's covered as well....


The Ouragon has a few little issues in the 08 patch world; including WoI, but nothing major. Mostly a little bouncy-jiggley on the ground. Spring rates need slight adjustmets, but I never messed with it too much. "If it works, don't fix it"

Considering it's age, it flys QUITE well!!


And, as you've got WoE, looks like you got the Hunters covered as well!!! :wink:


btw, there's a version of Gepard's Isreal2 I did, that upgrades it for WoI. Somewhere in the "Terrains" download section



kevin stein

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Ordway's got the Ouragon and Mystre's covered as well....


The Ouragon has a few little issues in the 08 patch world; including WoI, but nothing major. Mostly a little bouncy-jiggley on the ground. Spring rates need slight adjustmets, but I never messed with it too much. "If it works, don't fix it"

Considering it's age, it flys QUITE well!!


And, as you've got WoE, looks like you got the Hunters covered as well!!! :wink:


btw, there's a version of Gepard's Isreal2 I did, that upgrades it for WoI. Somewhere in the "Terrains" download section



kevin stein


Ha! I thought I saw that one. It looks great.


My new computer should show up tomorrow (Quad 2.88GHz CPU 4Gb RAM GTX260 vidcard WinXp64 bit - Oy!) and it should run WoI much better than my current machine (3.05GHz CPU 1Gb RAM 256mg V-card). It stutters quite a bit and a lot with widesky installed. I'll be re-installing everything (and more) with the new machine. I'll be going for a merged install with SF2 and SF2V and a SPF1 Gold install with the new India terrain and several installs for WW2 (China, Pacific, BoB). Woot! Lots of plans ahead for me.

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Get this for a start, it will allows you to fly the Mig-21 of all types.




And this to fly them in campaign





Use JSGME(Just google it to download it, it replaces the original files with the one you install and make a backup for them, be mindful that you need to specify which folders they go into)


First use the JSGME to install the campaign, then use the JSGME to install the MiG-21s. Overwriting some files from the campaign installation.

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Got it! Thanks for the assist, all, and also for the links to resources. I'll be using them.


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