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So I found myself snooping around on Streak Eagles web page http://mysite.verizon.net/streakeagle/StrikeFighters.html it's actually a pretty helpfull page with some great resources :good:

One thing that really caught my eye was a link to a progy for voice activation of various aspects of the game http://mysite.verizon.net/streakeagle/SFP1Shoot.html this seems very intriguing to me for radio calls..........the idea of saying "wing attack my target" instead of searching for "tab-1-1" sounds to good to be true :rolleyes:

Has anyone tried this? and if so, is it any good?



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I tried it years ago,from what I remember it was interesting.I seem to remember there being a bit of lag in commands executing and it being a little picky in your pronunciation but it seemed cool.I used to play Star Fleet command 2 alot and I bet it would be cool to use it in a game like that,saying red alert and target klingon cruiser ;)

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Been using Shoot 1.6.4 for about 5 Years now. Still works excellent. It uses Microsoft Speech SDK and DotNet Framework. The more You use it, The more the Computer "Learns" and faster the responce time for Commands. It sure takes a load off trying to see a Keyboard during certian Missions. The best part about this Program is, Besides it Works, Is that It's FREE.

Edited by 331Killerbee

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I like that idea...though I could see my wife wondering..


"Why is he screaming 'CHAFF, FLARE, CHAFF, FLARE!!!' at the computer..."



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I was starting to look into that myself. I used Game Commander about 5 years ago. Now they're up to version 2, maybe 3. I've heard good things about Shoot. Back in the day, Game Commander 1 was just as described above, about 85% accurate, you had to train it, and a little laggy. It was still cool. From what I've read nowadays, they are much more accurate and don't require you to train the software. Is the Shoot version 1.6.4 five years old? The webpage has a copyright date of 2002. I would imagine later software may be more effective. Does anyone know out of what's below what works best?



http://www.edimensional.com/index.php?cPath=23 Voice Buddy


http://www.oatsoft.org/Software/game-commander Looks like Game Commander 2 Trail Version is alive but the company otherwise may be dead


http://www.say-now.com/ Say now


http://www.vrcommander.com/ VR Commander $10


http://www.say2play.com/ Say2Play


http://clans.gameclubcentral.com/shoot/ Shoot $FREE!

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I did the GC thing as well, but when I bought it, they came up with a version 2 as mine was in transit, and they refused

to upgrade me.


Tried Shoot, but the wife, as FC suspected, was all in my business.


"It's bad enough I have to hear the sounds and voices from the computer, but you talking back to them is too much..."



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Shoot has always worked best for Me. Considering that it's Free was a big Plus. Another advantage is that it runs within Microsoft Speech. What Microsoft Speech does is pretty much the best as for Speech Reconition. An even greater Advantage is the fact that Shoot uses .XML's as Game Profiles. Microsoft has XML Notepad, which is a XML Editor which is also Free. One can make a Profile for all kinds of Games that have Keyboard Commands.

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I've got Shoot installed but rarely use it. I don't think it likes my accent very much! Obviously my pronunciation is not American - I don't know if that makes much difference, but I had a hell of a job getting it to do what it was told.


Above all else, don't use it for weapons commands or you'll miss the target every time! Wingman commands, fine, agreed.

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