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Movie with a lot of real RFC a/c

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Beautiful to watch so many old "ghosts" in the air! Hopefully, there will be an Albatros DIII

with them soon. Thanks, Creaghorn!

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Great footage and music, thanks. Hey Uncleal, I have Aces High too. Great movie.




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Superb movie, thank you!

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Splendid. That man in the Dr.1 had better be careful - no hostiles to speak of, of course, except the Dr.1 itself - own worst enemy, that kind of thing. Read somewhere that at high speeds the top wing of the Dr.1 was exerted to 2.5 times more lift than the other two wings, with obvious implications to death and disaster.


Anyone know if the first Camel (with the polished cowl and hump) had a rotary or radial? The filmmakers didn't seem terribly inclined to show the engine compartment except for shaky, high-contrast shots, which leads me to believe radial. At 2:38 when he goes into a loop you can see the rigging get pulled taut, then go slack again when he comes out. Great stuff.

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