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Modding acft for SF2-Vietnam

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I spent some time yesterday playing with my SF2-V install. Has anyone else been able to get the "Fake-pilot" method by Fast Carago of adding parts to work, or to make parts go away using the "Rename as a component" method? Am I missing a thread here or something.



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I can make parts go away but haven't mastered the fake pilot (or alternative) for adding parts.


A tutorial on both would be good!

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As I said, this is for the new SF2 series. Is something different in the game engine that prevents this? I really loved the modability of the old WOV install. If these things won't work anymore, I'll dump SF2-V and go back to the old install for good.




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I can't say that SF2 isn't the best, some methods, once figured out, is pretty cool. But I'm not quick to remove WoX yet, as I got the Vista freeze issues (got it somewhat tweaked so it's not freezing up all the time) so moving stuff around isn't an option yet until the freezing up goes away. Overall impression is it's good, but over time once people understand the various issues it'll be allright. But... I do agree, it's not the most preferable method (rather than having everything in the same game folder is nice) and really not efficient, it's not too bad. Just gotta be patient, and asking questions is the best way to do it.

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Well, if I can sort this modding thing out, and if I can get the prop-driven stuff flying (Razbam Skyraiders, T-28, A-26K) I'll keep it for the shadows, weapon drag, and supposed better AI. I installed YAP2 into it, but don't know what the helos are like and need to test the props yet.


The folder deal doesn't bother me that much. I tried moving the location and changing the path in the options.ini, but it defaults back to the MY Documents folder in XP. The new F-4 stuff I'm working on seems fine in the new game. But this modding thing is driving me nuts.


What am I missing?



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The fake pilot method, in the SF2 series is different. Now that the pilot models have their own folder under Objects/Pilots. And the ejection seats go in there too. I always give the reference to F-35 SF2 version, it's got a pilot in there.


I got a partly done F-16C/40 Night Falcon mod based on the WOI Netz w/ chin pods Lantirn loaded, I'll post it for example.

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pureblue is correct, the FakePilot method does work, it just needs some adjusting.


Pilots, ejection seats, and any other parts require their own directory, within a 'Pilots' directory located in the Objects folder.


In fact, I'll attach an example of what your 'Pilot' addons should look like using my invisible FakePilot as an example.




All 'Pilots' require their own directory and an .ini file that matches the name of the directory.


I've found SF2 and it's companions much easier to deal with when it comes to modding. The hardest part is the way it handles decals...but the weapons and pilot handling is MUCH better for the end user.



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O.K. so my new "fakepilot" will have its own folder, just like my new "seat", in my new objects/Pilots folder which I have to create..... I'd have never figured that one out on my own until I saw someone else make something first. Thanks very much for the help folks!



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Wait - so how do we eliminate parts now? I still couldn't get that to work...?



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it works hellacool, once you get the hang of it. I REALLY do like the "things in seperate folders" structure, makes for a MUCH cleaner, easier to manage install.


My AT-6G mod uses it for the DF blade antenna and pitot tube ... works damn good!!


Mike, I really dislike the decals thing too, but it only DOES take a few seconds to remove the /D from the pathway, and create the folder. Wish I know just WHY TK wanted it that way!! Now, if I could just get framerates that are BETTER than the Classic Series ™ .... sigh....



kevin stein

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Believe me, I hate change. But I'm trying to roll with the punches.


Have you tried opening up an acft .LOD?? No bmps, no parts names in the normal manner...? Very confusing. I have parts appearing thanks to you guys, but still am at a loss how to eliminate parts if we want to. Any ideas?

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I'm on my laptop and not my Strike Fighters desktop (there's nothing else on that -LOL) but I've just downloaded by Super Sabre FGA.1 to remind myself.


Basically you add the bit you are trying to lose as a component. In the following example it's the wing mounted refuelling probe;











Component[010]=Probe ----------- add this line



Then add the following;









You can call the component anything you like, e.g. Bernard - it's the ModelNodeName that needs to match the name of the mesh that you are trying to remove.


You can also remove parts by making them a weapon station but the above is, by far, the best method. Dave's F-100A Taiwan upload is worth a look if you'd like to see more uses of this method.

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Thanks for taking the time - works fine in WOV, however, have you tried this in SF2-Vietnam?? I cannot get it to work. Has anyone successfully eliminated a part in SF2-V this way???


Thanks again,


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In my triple merged install (SF2/SF2V/SF2E) I used it remove the rocket pylons from Pasko's super little Vampire.


It should work but try making the 'destroyed node name' the same as the 'model node name' and see if that helps.

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Thanks for taking the time to help me - it works as it used to...but only if you have the correct part name!!! As I keep saying, senility is a terrible thing...


Mod away!



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