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Was OFF discounted again?

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UncleAl, when you wrote some time back, how you walked out to your post bin with your TrackIR

device on your cap, and everybody round that community tree staring at you as "Mr. Radar", I knew

you had a lot of fun. That can't be made a price for.

During the last 15 years, I must have bought some 15 - 20 games and sims. Talking in Deutsche Mark

currency, that would have been minimum 600,- DM. But all of them together were not as valuable to me

as "Between Heaven and Hell". Don't tell the devs, but I would have bought it even if it had been 100,- Dollar.

Prices have a meaning for everyone in the everyday life. But this sim - I really mean that - can't be valued

in any price. Otherwise it would cost much, much more.

So don't be silly feeling like a chump - climb into your cockpit again and have fun! Cheers from Berlin!

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Uncleal: I have never understood VAT. It's predominantly a tax on poor people. It also makes the company like the OFF team an unpaid tax collector. It seems a bit morally unjustifiable. I bet you didn't know they are on the verge of a £6 a year broadband tax in the UK. What happened to the old concept of a tax policy that asked if the person being taxed can actually afford it?


OlHam: I agree, from what i have seen and read on this forum OFF is worth a lot more than the price being asked. But in my case when OFF was first released I had to reluctantly accept it was out of my price range. (It was about £50, twice the price of a brand-new triple-AAA game.) I really did not think I was going to be able to get it. Up until a few days ago OFF had lost me a customer even though they had captured my interest during the making of Phase 3.


I guess pricing has to be a compramise between the true value of the product and the affordability so enough customers buy it and make the company a good profit. In a way that goes back to my earlier post where Mongoose Publishing were pricing their books according to the country it was being sold in.


Pricing is a really tough call for a company, especially small run companies like OFF and Mongoose. Charge too much and not enough people buy it. Charge too little and you don't make enough profit on each unit to justify your hard work.

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Glad you can finally afford it Jaa. You won't be disappointed at any price. I just ordered that other WWI sim which shall remain un-named here but it won't diminish my love for OFF. If you want to be a participant in WWI like you've never been before, you can't beat OFF, and it's getting better and better.



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So the devs did a good deed on you, JAA - welcome in here! You won't regret a single penny - promised!!

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Marketing 101, you must do everything possible to get as many copies of OFF3 as possible in customers hands (build your base of customers) before the new P4 is released.

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UncleAl - you say it: we can do without maybe half the politicians, but they can't do without us.

Here in the EU, the value added tax is 19 % !

No wonder, people turn every penny three times before they spend it.

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CJ - your avatar still kills me everytime you post. :yikes:

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CJ - your avatar still kills me everytime you post. :yikes:


Ditto! I love it! I think it's one of the best Avatars I've seen yet! Marty rocks!

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Guest British_eh
Ditto! I love it! I think it's one of the best Avatars I've seen yet! Marty rocks!



Yes, Marty was great, but I really get a kick out of your current, and past one OVS.





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I think its clear why we have reduced the price over 6 months - standard business practice -albeit a bit faster than we anticipated.


Bottom line is sales are almost at a standstill.....and please no lectures on reviews, and ads etc - we are well aware of this and we have approached many for reviews and ads? well I can tell you that ads are not cheap at all yes we looked at that too.... many times.....we are a very small concern and money is not abundant.


Bottom line is this is a special offer and we are at this moment not sure how long it will stay at this very low level.


Thanks to everyone that has supported us thusfar!!




We need to get the word out! I'm in an F-16 online squadron, I'll post something in our forum.

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