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Some Rarer Plane FMs

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Have been using these as AI for some while, and had some time this w/e to look at them more. But have only flown these a couple of days, and they do seem pretty good, but I usually fly for a week or two before I release, so may update later.


They are the PfalzE4, PfalzE5, Bristol M1C, FokkerD8, PfalzDr1, JunkersD1.



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Do's this man never stop, there is no daught in my mind you should be working for some flight sim company. Many thanks most appreciated.


I think im going to put Concord into this sim that will stop you you dont have the FM for that

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Thank you :good: and look forward to the rest of your "Rare Birds" FM's.

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Thanks guys, and I'm happy to say I've almost finished things to the point I can't really see much more I want to do or FMs that I want to improve for this version.

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Hi Peter.


Excellent stuff!...I've been hoping you'd have a go at those rarer Pfalz'. :ok:


I really don't want to put you to any trouble, but I'm wondering if there's any chance, at some time, you could supply a few existing DATA.ini's that differ from the standard versions?


In no particular order, they are:


Nieuport 17a. (The one with the single upper wing Lewis)


Sopwith Dolphin. (two versions, with and without the Lewis guns)


Bristol Scout C. (The one with the obliquely angled Lewis on the fuselage side)


SE5a. (The one with no headrest)



Totally understand if you can't find the time, of course :yes:


Thanks again.



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I would like to tackle the messy D.H.4 skin. But the flight model could use a bit more work if you're interested. Too much up elevator freezes up the plane and the ailerons are reversed. That I fixed myself. But the controls are still off a bit I think. Rudder not responsive when combined w elevators etc,etc. The skin template is a mess. If I'm going to try and make a few good Squadrons out of it, I would like it to be well worth it :yes: I'm sure you know what I mean.


By the way, You have saved this game with your flight models thats for sure :yes: :clapping:


:drinks: This Bud's for you!


This is what I thought of the game a few months ago:



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Oh, I almost forgot. I've noticed with the Pfalz DIII, when in cockpit view, the flash of the Spandua's is a bit low. It throws of my aim a bit. You might want to check that out as well. It wasnt always that way. Did you mess w that when you did the Pfalz DATA?

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Good ideas Bucky, I'll think about it.


Yeah quack the Dh4 could be improved. Would need to be redone, so I won't be looking at that, for a while at least. I spent 2 days doing that FM (huge probs), and never flown it since!


Haven't changed the PfalzD3 flashes or guns, they are the same as the original FM by the A-team several years ago. Never noticed what you decribed myself, but no doubt you are right. If you find better positions, maybe post?

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PfalzD3 internal gunn setting should be:

// Internal Guns ---------------------------------------------------------






























EjectPosition= 0.17,-0.45,0.61

EjectVelocity= 1.2,0.0,-0.5




Southside Bucky:

I have already converted Peter01's Nieuport 17 FM to the British Nieuport 17a w/Lewis FM as well as converting the Scout C FM to the fuselage angled Lewis Scout C FM if you want a copy.


Panama Red

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Hello PR


I would like copies of the FMs that you edited as well. If you don't mind. Thanks in advance.




PS, OT, have you made any progress with the Terrain Tile edits? I am getting inspired again. Trying to see if I can recover any of my work from an archived backup.

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I'll send the FM's to you when I get home.


I still have not given up on the tiles, but I still have to find a way to do it with my various painting software.


Panama Red

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Here is the Nieuport 17a (British N17 w/Lewis MG) that uses Peter01's Nieuport 17 FM


Panama Red

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Here is the Bristol Scout C1 (side mounted Lewis) that has been corrected from Peter01's FM.


Panama Red

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Thanks PR


I got 'em.



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Hi PR.


Many thanks for the revised DATA.INI's. :good:


Sorry for the delayed reply, I've been away most of this week.



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Here is the Dolphin with Twin Lewis (based on Peter01's Dolphin FM).


Panama Red

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