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Lt. James Cater

A Most Ignominious Death!

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We live, we fight, and we may die.


But sometimes we go out in ways that might not be worth mentioning in Squadron histories.


For some strange reason, i grew a liking for the Javelin and flew it into combat. I quickly found out it's pros and cons and developed tactics to have some success with it. However, by the time i really had it down, the squadron was down to two aircraft. Anyways, i'm going on a recce mission and to me, it's basically a free hunt. We just got some Sparrows and so i loaded two along with the Firestreaks so i can check them out.


So off i go!


Once at 25,000 i settled down and checked the radar and Ground Control frequently. Sure enough i get word of some activity and head in that direction. Soon, i know there's a Soviet base up ahead so i decide to drop down and take a look.


JACKPOT!!!!!!!!!!!! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


A flight of MIG-17s getting ready to take off and they are virtually right in my sights. I set up the guns and come in low and very fast. A pull of the trigger and the ADENS reach out and blow apart the first in line.

Pulling up, i figure that i have the rest exactly where i want them and will nail them all. Conscious of ground fire, i figured i'd come in at a steeper angle but not as fast, so pulled back on the throttle some.


That was the beginning of the end!


On the next pass i drove in and shot up the next MIG. The problem was that i was in a sizeable aircraft that was near fully loaded (external tanks and all), coming down at the wrong airspeed and angle and got in too close to make sure of destroying the target.


By the time i realized that i screwed the pooch it was too late. I saw the ground coming up fast and reacted but the plane didn't stand a chance in hell.


One big fireball later the campaign was over and my ego was in shreds.


Oh, the Agony! :bad:

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Don't feel bad.

I do it all the time.

I press the target in close to get good hits and

end up blowing myself up or running into the ground.

Oh yes,that green stuff coming up gets me also.

I get greedy to get some good hits and end up pulling a bonehead.

I usually refly the mission once and if I get hosed again I let the campaign end and start over.

I change my mission rate so that I try to fly about 20-25 missions per campaign.

Most of the time I get clobbered before I finish. :blink:

There are so many great aircraft to fly,I usually change to a different aircraft for the next campaign.

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Whilst bringin an A-4 back aboard after tearing up an airfield I ran outa gas about 500 feet shy of the boat. I noticed I was loosing airspeed and sinking fast, didnt notice my engine was dead until I was about 20 feet of the water and didnt have time to eject... I could read the bloody ships name I was so close!



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That's why I don't like to fly A2G - I always end like a Starfighter pilot... :biggrin:

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I've flown into the ground so many times, I've put rollers ALL over my plane....figuring I could slide along for a bit before jumping out!! :wink:


Making the OTHER guy do it ... now THAT's cool!



kevin stein

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That sort of thing happened to me a lot when I first started using the Thud in the SF2 Merc campaign. It drops like a stone when fully loaded and flying anywhere below 300kt. Made rocket and strafing runs interesting, that's for sure.

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