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Ghost Story

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Spent Monday-Wednesday this week in San Diego on a short vacation with my two daughters and grandson. Both girls have always had a few paranormal experiences and that trait can be traced to their great-grandmother. That said, on Monday we past the Whaley House in Old Town San Diego and the girls wanted to go in. I said maybe later and the matter dropped. Wednesday on our way out we stopped in Old Town again, this time the oldest said that he would pay for the Whaley House tour, I said fine and we went in.


From this point on keep an open mind, the Whaley House is supposedly San Diego's most haunted and active paranormal locations. Remember that fact, here is what happened next:


Within five minutes of entering the house we wen into the attached courthouse, my oldest girl said lets leave that room so we did. Going into the dining room a couple were talking about seeing "balls of light" moving about in one corner, both girls said they saw them too, while I did not, I did keep my mind open and shot some pics in there. We then moved into the hallway and my youngest started complaining the her camera stopped working, she xould see what she had shot up to that point but it would not take anymore pics.


All of up went upstairs and looked around, I took one shot of the staircase looking down using ambient light, this is the one posted here, When I shot it I noticed nothing through the viewfinder nor with my other eye, I try to use both eyes when taking certain shots to try and catch anything else I see. There is an anomaly in the pic, I'll let you guys find it instead of prejudicing anyone.


At that point we went back down stairs. My oldest said she wanted to try something and we went back into the courtroom.{at this point if I hadn't witnessed what happened next I'd have told my girls good joke}

One of the Museum staff asked us how we were doing, Amber said that her camera stopped working in one of the bedrooms. The staff member replied "Thats just Francis, he messes with electronic items." Francis is the ghost of one of the Whaley sons who dided in the house in the 1930's. About then I heard Leanna gasping for breath, when I looked at her she had a paniced look on her face and I almost carried her out of there. As soon as we got into the next room her breathing went back to normal and she said that what she felt was a residual of something that took place in that room.


So that's it, the guys who live in San Diego can tell you more of that place than I could.



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There is an anomaly in the pic, I'll let you guys find it instead of prejudicing anyone.



I can see a little bright orb of light in the centre of the door downstairs. Spooky!!

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did you have your flash or fill flash enabled? If that light is what you're talking about, keep in mind you're shooting in daylight and light reflects around. It also could have been the the cameras IR firing so it could set the camera for the shot.Digital cameras are great but keep the IR in mind.

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That little dot of white is from the camera. Here's what gives it away... it's directly in the center of the picture. Unless we're supposed to be looking at something else, that's the only thing that I notice as odd.

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did you have your flash or fill flash enabled? If that light is what you're talking about, keep in mind you're shooting in daylight and light reflects around. It also could have been the the cameras IR firing so it could set the camera for the shot.Digital cameras are great but keep the IR in mind.


Camera was set to use ambient light and the flash was off and locked closed. Even if there are logical reasons for the pics, the fact that my daughter started having trouble breathing is still troubling.


Like I said her and her sister have a history of paranormal events going all the way back to when they were just starting to talk. I won't go into it to far but the youngest was talking to someone one night in our old house, when I asked who she was talking to she said it was her great grandmother who she called by the pet name I had for her and the kid had never heard. The spooky thing was when she called me by my family nickname that hadn't been used since my grandmother had passed away at least four of five years before and it is Spanish and hard to pronounce when you are just starting to talk.


Anyway, what I described did happen and my mind is a little more open towards the paranormal. One more thing about my camera, it's a digital that can be aimed like an SLR and I use the viewfinder not the LCD screen because of my eyesight, and the screen is usually washed out in any kind of light to me. That said, since the view is so small I don't get a good look at a shot until I can download them to my PC, so I don't see things like the light spot at the time of taking it.

Edited by firehawkordy

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The speck of light isn't much, nor is any kind of experience in a known haunted house, the mind expects things and can play tricks or cause things like that which are entirely psychosomatic. The great grandmother story is by far much spookier, but its still possiblle she may have heard the name somehow.


I've had a number of creepy experiences, others in my family have had more. My parents have a dozen ghost stories from their trip to england. But don't accept the creepy too quickly. My father entirely caused one hell of a ghost story for many people. He was visiting family down in Sydney and he was touring an old quarantine center that was supposed to be haunted. The watch he had could be set to silent and give off a faint blue light on the hour. It went off when they were in a dark room and his hand was below a table in the room masking where it came from, all anyone saw was this blue light glowing from under the table and even the tour guide freaked and wanted to leave.


Don't know if I've mentioned it in a previous thread about ghosts, but I've seen a very distinct human shadow walking down a hallway in my house with nobody there, nor are there any windows for anything outside to cause it either. Both me and my brother have seen strange flashes (like a camera) just happen without anything possible to attribute it to. There's tons of odd noises I hear on a daily basis, but with 2 cats and a dog, they're easy to ignore as them.

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I have no doubt what you discribed happened, BUT keep in mind that any evidence must be looked at from a non-believer point of view. If you have a picture, or sound, or other evidence that can't be explained or recreated, then it will get a second look, I wish you had taken a picture in front of and behind that one, but most folks never take 3 pictures of the same thing. Also keep in mind the walls are wood,it looks like and it will reflect any light around, as well as the IR from your camera, even with the flash off it uses it to set the focus on the camera.

Whaley House has a really cool history and someday I want to get there.

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I tend not to believe in ghosts but have had a couple of things happen that are hard to explain so leave my mind open to the idea that there is such a thing. Those ghost shows on TV are not the evidence I am looking for though because the people on those shows act scared just to hype up the viewing audience.

Edited by milkweg

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