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Since when did the AI know to turn its engines off when they where on fire? I was taking down some TU-22's and i shoot holes full off two of them. So i think Eh, they are on fire, they will go down ill move on. But no, as im taking care of the other one, i look to my left and yes. No more fire. So im like WTF? Never seen that before.

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Since when did the AI know to turn its engines off when they where on fire? I was taking down some TU-22's and i shoot holes full off two of them. So i think Eh, they are on fire, they will go down ill move on. But no, as im taking care of the other one, i look to my left and yes. No more fire. So im like WTF? Never seen that before.


Just had it yesterday (SU 22)... I like it, gives one a second chance.. Anything to do with fire surpression in the data.ini ? And is there reduced power after a fire ?


Hou doe,


Derk :wink:

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So no more burn baby burn disco inferno moves then???

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Depends... After F-15 gets 2 AA-8 and a cannon burst up its turbines the fire gets unstoppable. :biggrin:

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Since when did the AI know to turn its engines off when they where on fire? I was taking down some TU-22's and i shoot holes full off two of them. So i think Eh, they are on fire, they will go down ill move on. But no, as im taking care of the other one, i look to my left and yes. No more fire. So im like WTF? Never seen that before.


Now that you mentioned it, its ring a bell…

Didn't understand at first why I have to chase a smoky Hunter, that was set on fire, but continues to fly like nothing happened, all over the sky.

I have it recorded on

It was better if the AI could also compensate for damage done, after such a hit.

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There used to be a fuel leak effect also, but I haven't seen it in a while. Maybe I'm inflicting or taking too much damage to notice.


The AI is better though.

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This is from Mr TK on that issue



by TK on Thu Jul 02, 2009 9:42 am


Which F-4 are you having problem with? Later model F-4 are more protected than earlier models, for example.


Fuel leak will only happen on unprotected fuel tanks, A-10 have self-sealing fuel tanks so you're not likely to see fuel leak situation on that. Try older aircraft if you want to see fuel leaks.


Individual fuel tanks and engines has its own settings in regards to fire extinguisher. Usually, wings tanks are not protected (I guess theory being that they'll be empty by the time you get to the battle, while fuselage tanks are. Also, the engine fire depends on the engine temperature, if you had it running hot all the time, then its more likely to catch fire (and not extinguish).

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Thanks MB. Forgot about the protected tanks.

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