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Happy Canada Day

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Before it gets too late...Happy Canada Day to my friends up in the GWN!


We celebrated (10th Annual Canada Day party) with salmon and hot dogs and a few of our Canadian friends.


I'm reminded of the Hockey Song by Jughead:


So there I was, over in Paris

Eating wine and drinking cheese

And this guy comes up to me and he says

“ Where are you from?”

Well, I says “Yeah, I’m from Canada”

And he says “Zoot Allure, mon Dieu, you are from Canada? Do you play hockey?”

And I says “Do I play hockey?



Well, I play Air hockey, Ball hockey, Barn Hockey, Bubble

Hockey, Field hockey,

Floor hockey, Ice hockey, Kitchen hockey, Road hockey,Roller

hockey, Table hockey, Twist hockey

And I play hockey, hockey, hockey, hockey, hockey, hockey,

hockey, hockey, hockey,

hockey, hockey, hockey, hockey, hockey,hockey all the time!

Take shots!


So there I was way out in California

And this guy comes up to me and he says

“ Where are you from dude?”

Well, I says “Yeah, I’m from Canada”

And he says "Wow! Where are you from dude?”

And I says "Look I'm from Canada"

And he says “Wow. If you’re from Canada? Do you like, play


And I says “Do I play hockey?




So there I was way down under in Australia

And this guy comes up to me and he says

“ Where are you from?”

Well, I says “Yeah, I’m from Canada”

And he says “Do right, honey child. If you’re from Canada? Do

you play hockey?”

And I says “Do I play hockey?




He shoots. He scores!



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Salute to my friends up north.

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Salute to my friends up north.



Same here !!! :good:



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Happy Day, canadians. Celebrate :yahoo:

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A big happy Canada day! Thank you for the maple syrup, Benton Fraser, and being there for us in two World Wars :salute:

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