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The Combatace Newsletter

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Myself and Erik have been in discussion about producing a Combatace Newsletter which would be issued probably once a month by either Email or PM. This newsletter would include items such as reviews of downloads, CA general news, reviews of other sims, a top 10 screenshot gallery and other general simulation, military and civilian news related to aviation.


This project will have to be organized and right now we are looking for writers for the newsletter. We are looking for people who can provide an in depth but laid back report on a topic to do with any of the above topics. This newsletter will be for all the simulations discussed here on this forum, but mainly focusing on the two big ones, the thirdwire series and OFF.


Also we need staff such as Editors, reporters, etc. If you would like to help out then just say so in this thread and we will soon begin to organize who does what and what our general game plan is.


If you have any general questions, feel free to PM me.

Cheers in advance


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Need an editor? I would love to help! I'm qualified to teach English to foreign types according to Cambridge University, so a bit of "marking" practice would be fine by me.

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I have the psico-complex to volunteer for everything, count on me

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Great! Glad to see you fella's are on board. We need a few more people still. Is there anyone from the OFF section who would be interested in joining this project? And anyone else is welcome to come and have a go. You DONT have to be an English genius to do this.

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Great! Glad to see you fella's are on board. We need a few more people still. Is there anyone from the OFF section who would be interested in joining this project? And anyone else is welcome to come and have a go. You DONT have to be an English genius to do this.



Count me in for OFF's corner. I'll be happy to help.



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Great! Is there anyone else from the thirdwire section that wants to help out?

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Ok, turns out we still need more people to volunteer, people who provide news on general aviation as well as either thirdwire or OFF. Please help out.


Heres a list of people we have so far:

OFF section:



UK Widowmaker



Thirdwire Section:


Kopis n Xiphos



General Aviation:


Say What?!

PACMAN (as of September)


CA News:


Other Sims on the site:

Edited by scouserlad13

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I may be able to add some colour commentary from time to time... :yes:

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Rgr that guys, added to the list. We need people who are working backstage to give us some of the CA news and updates. Any moderators want to do it? Oh and positions are still open for the above sections.

Edited by scouserlad13

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Does anyone else want to be a part of this? THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE BEFORE I SUBMIT THE ABOVE LIST TO ERIK

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