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Jack Morris

Gunner, Bombardier positions

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In aircraft such as a B-17 and B-24 what keys do i press to get the gunner and bombardier positions,



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Not implemented


However, there's an old mod around here somewhere's that 'creates' the bombadier's view -- it DOES however, sort of mess with the standard views.


Bombers are best left as AI flights.



kevin stein

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Not implemented


However, there's an old mod around here somewhere's that 'creates' the bombadier's view -- it DOES however, sort of mess with the standard views.


Bombers are best left as AI flights.



kevin stein


I wouldn't worry about it, the b-24 has a b-17 panel anyway, where can I find this mod (What is it called),



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Do a search for Norden bombsight. I think that is the mod you want.

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Just brainstorming here


Doesn't the F-16 HUD have a CCIP? If it does, could you add it to these level bomb sights and have a level bomb site that works at any altitude and speed?

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It does (the F-16), but adding a modern CCIP to a WWII bomber would be inaccurate.


Have you seen the new pit for the glass nosed Canberras? The pilot/bombardier view by Kessselbrut is outstanding and the concept might be tranferable to other aircraft with some work.

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I don't think it is that inaccurate - the Norden was kind of a predecessor of the modern CCIPs...

But of course it would have to be heavily modded to fit into the 40's "look and feel"!

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I don't think it is that inaccurate - the Norden was kind of a predecessor of the modern CCIPs...

But of course it would have to be heavily modded to fit into the 40's "look and feel"!


In a way you are right, it was a step on the way towards ccip, but there are some marked differences. The real Norden bombsight, like the German Lotfernrohr 7, was extremely complicated compared to the excellent bombsight mod in the Canberras on this site. The real ones took control of the aircraft auto pilot and flew the aircraft to what the computer calculated as the best drop point, it then pickled the bombs at the moment determined by computer. Although woefully inaccurate at times, they where the beginning of a long line of similar somewhat computer dictated bombing aides, only much later being replaced with things like CCIP and PGM's that once again put more control in the pilot's hands. Unfortunately TK doesn't think there is any fun to be had in simulating anything even vaguely in the ball park of the real Norden bombsights, labs, loran, radar offset bombing, dive toss, ccrp or anything of the like. So it's that or ccip I'm afraid.




By the way, just in case you can't tell, I am gutted about this because almost without exception, flight sims skip on this huge stage of evolution in aircraft from WW2 to the 1980's going as they do, from iron sights to ccip as if there was nothing in between. I wish a sim would think to cover these things without needing to go into the extreme depth of study sims, just a simlite approach like Thirdwire's that doesn't gloss over 40 odd years of AG tech would be great!

Edited by Kopis n Xiphos

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Actually, if we really wanted “accurate” we would fly the aircraft to the IP and then press CTL-SHT-B and hear “Bombardier you have the aircraft.” And then just sit there for 5 min and watch the AI Bombardier do the bomb run. :biggrin:




Back to the subject. We need this functionality:




** Ability to level bomb from any speed or altitude




The current marks on screen and you must be at xxxxx altitude at yyyyy speed was a good first step to solve the problem. For a second step the CCIP solves the functionality issue and we all know that someone would take the third step and evolve it to a proper era look and feel.




Any gauge experts willing to make a try at this? :dntknw:

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