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TrackiR and gun sights

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Having some problems with the gun site view, seems the overlay gauges and gun site are tied to my head movement which means the sights move where I am looking not where the guns really are? Any fix for this short of turning TrackiR off? :blink:


BTW does everyone meet the bogys where they have alt 95% of the time? Seems like I am always fighting at a disadvantage from the start :haha:

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It might depend on where you're looking went you ReCenter the TIR

Try experimenting up/down and see if the gun sights are more visible


You can also click and drag the HUD gauges anyhere you want them on the screen


Once I got TIR, I turned all the HUD gauges off and used the Cockpit gauges ...more immersive



Another tip is to set the center 3 points on the X and Y Axis Curves to 1

This allows for the small movements necessary to line the sights up



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To translate into english ( F12 ) centers your gunsite view where ever you happen to be looking, at the moment. Some ( ME ) have ( F12) on their joystick


Quote:Originally Posted by Interlocutor viewpost.gif I've tried to map the F12 key (TrackIR "Center View') onto my joystick, but it doesn't take. Is there a way to do this?Run the TrackIR software.

Open the Profiles Tab

Highlight the appropriate profile (usually Combat Flight)

Click the edit button

Open the Hotkeys tab

Click the 'change' button for the appropriate function (in this case 'center')

Enter the desired new key (push the joystick button).


Worked for me.



Ok well this not a trackir problem per say I know about trackiR and have it programmed to my stick, the problem is apparently the game uses the same overlay as trackiR to show those added gauges and sight ring.


Your answer is obvious just disable trackiR (which also have programmed to my stick) which I would like not to do what I would like to do is disable the movement of the overlay gauges and sight ring.


Maybe this request belongs in some "wish list for next patch"????

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Being attacked from above is a disadvantage for about 10 to 30 seconds. The aircraft in 1914-18 had almost zero "Boom n Zoom" capabilties. A sharp turn as the enemy comes down from above and he streaks past you and bellow. I actually prefer them to be above me (as long as i spot em first) The Ai likes to dive almost vertically and just the 'slightest' adjustment in course and they have no shot.

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Go to the profile settings in TrackIR, open (Edit button) 'Combat Flight' and adjust the pitch and yaw settings to create a larger dead zone in the center. This will mean your view will stay in the center of the screen despite small movements of your head.


With regard to the HUD gunsight, I suggest you get rid of it as it only holds true relative to the screen and not the view. Once I'm airborne, I fire a short burst to check the fall of tracer over the top of the engine and use that position relative to any crossed wires/rocker box/radiator filler cap, etc as my aiming mark.


Believe me, after a while you'll put the TrackIR settings back to default as your head gets used to small movements required and everything becomes second nature (See Part 2 of my OFF multiplayer video on You Tube to give you some idea of the accuracy you can achieve without using a gunsight).


As requested by Panama Red (I suggest you watch this fullscreen in HD).


name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>">
name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">




Vasco :pilotfly:

Edited by Vasco

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