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Wounded Pilot

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A question for the devs of this great mod. Would it be possible to implement hospitalisation for wounds? Just landed a battered crate with pilot health on 8 and I'm thrown straight back in a plane for a mission 3 hours later :blink: . I tend to skip a day for each point of health loss, but skippong 51 days is a bit tedious.


I understand it is probably not possible, but would be nice.


Also if you are captured and escape, for me the 3 times it has happened, I always escape 20 days after capture.


Still desperately trying to survive for 17 hours, and having fun.

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Hi sq, I'm not a dev by any means and I don't have the best answer for you at this time. I do want to welcome you to OFF and encourage to ask questions and be patient with us. There is a great group of people here and someone will respond soon. The Tips and Cheats sticky is always informative and might help. 17 hours, yeah, so many of us are still trying after many months. But the fun is in the trying and when you make it you feel you've really done something. Keep having fun and participate in the forum. The devs are always working for us it seems and some new planes are in the works for future download. Cheers!

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I think, hospital time still exists? At least have I been in hospital for quite some time once -

but that was two patches ago - did they drop that? Not sure?

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Actually the overall health is merely a holdout from CFS3. As such it holds no effect in OFF


Intersesting info Uncleal. Has the team confirmed that as fact? I would be surprised that Winder would not account for that in his algorythms but it could easily be, considering there were probably a thousand more important things to code in the OFF manager at the time.


So if true, then you can never be hospitalized for a wound in the air, is that right? The only time you get a hospital stay is if you crash the plane? So what are the length of the hospital stays based on...just random?


Obvoiusly it would be nice if air wounds had an effect (maybe in OFF Phase 56 as Pol says, heh heh). I liked the old RB3D wound deal were the screen would fade reddish in-and-out with a wound and you had to land quick or sometimes die from loss of blood etc.

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If you want to see the doctor, or better yet the nurses, I think you stand a better chance by selecting "roll of dice" for outcomes in the workshop selections. Not DiD.

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I should have mentioned in my original post that I am playing DiD and although I said I landed, I should have said that the plane was a bit of a mess. I was expecting a dead pilot.

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in BHAH it is a diceroll. the cause what made you crash and what happened to you has no impact at all. the ingame parameter recognizes your aircraft as unflyable (crash, headshot, small groundloop). then you are thrown out and the manager decides if dead or not. the cause of the unflyable state has no effect at all. you might get shot to thousand pieces in 3000 meters height and survive, or just roll slowly into a barn and die.

that's why i decide myself if i'll manually kill my pilot. if i get shot about burning in high alt, and get thrown out without beeing dead by manager. i know he SHOULD have been dead and then i play god and let him decease.


that's one of the few things i'm really missing in BHAH. one of the very few things BHAH is lacking lightyears compared to rb3d. in rb3d if you got wounded, you are wounded when landing. depending of where you got hit you might have been dead at once (headshot), only wounded for 2 weeks or so (shoulder or leg or something) or you might have been maimed if you receive a shot where you maybe survive, but are never fit to fly anymore. sometimes you might even get maimed and stay in hospital for a very long time and after a year or so you are fit to fly again. if you got wounded and stay too long aloft you'll bleed to death and fade away.

even the damage model had direct impact to your pilot. if you had to land without landing gears e.g., with some skill and luck you could try to glide on the grass. or you might groundloop and nothing happens to you. but if something is wrong and you see your fuselage turning to it's head, then your neck will break and you're dead. the damage model had direct impact to your pilotmodel and the status of your pilot directly depended to what happened. that was really great. maybe also possible in future for BHAH :smile:

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That's one of the differences in having your own engine or your own code. The OFF manager is dependent on what information CFS3 gives out and the devs know what that is. If it gives out a lot of post flight info, then they can do a lot and vice versa. Ususally when I'm captured, the war is over for me. Also, I fly DID but I still accept the manager's decisions. Even if I thought I should've died, because, I've read of astounding circumstances where the pilot should've died but miraculously survived. It can happen to me too, but on the other hand, I died once, pancaking in from 13 feet and 19 mph. Freak things do happen IRL and so I allow it hear.

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I've been reading "Under the Kaiser's Guns" only just started really and I have already read about 2 different observers who survived the pilot being killed and the airplane crashing. One observer made an effort to get into the cockpit to take control but he could not manage to do so. Good read, Norman Franks author.

Edited by Rickitycrate

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