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Mr. Lucky

Hope AI limitations are being looked into.

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He's right about the EIII though. Months ago I refered to them as "OFF's UFO". In the real war the DH2 saw them off. In OFF the DH2 is suicide against them. And no human can fly them like the AI can, in human hands they're worse than the real ones were.


But that's the only plane in OFF I've been angry with. I've done 1 vs six aces in QC quite often, and held my own. In the Camel I got six Albs. In a Dr1 I got a number of Se5s and made it onto the ground alive. Other times I've been burned. Variety is the spice of life, and OFF offers plenty. :good:

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I tried a new career flying with Oswald Boelcke starting in 1915. I found flying the EIII to be a weird experience. In my first mission we engaged some Bristol Scouts, I shot one down after diving down and we were holding our own. I was doing pretty well managing energy in it then it started to fly sideways. The physics in the plane were all over the place and I was able to rotate 360 keeping the plane level just by applying full rudder without energy loss. Needless to say, I was shot down and think I will steer clear of the EIII for campaign for now lol.

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"in human hands they're worse than the real ones were."


Well I can't say I ever flew one but I think it's pretty reasonable representation of an EIII.


Very easy to pull up one or two bad bits all we ask is there is some perspective, it's software and as sims go it's a damn good one.


Yes we want to make it better, yes we are open and listen and try our best, as always. But not all things are possible on a home PC. Still we try.


Often we forget that most of us are 1000+ (likely many 1000's more) hour pilots - in real life we'd be toast after 2% of that.

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I want to take a moment to interrupt this lovely thread, and re-visit this earlier statement:


Fly Entente?!?!? NEVER!! Poo-poo colored planes... yucky square boxes with engines... bleech!!!




HAAAAahahahah mwuaaaaahhhh haha hahaha ha haaaaaa!! ....ahem


K. Thanks....I needed that.


OVS....well put. I'm working on my penchant for understatement. :wink:

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I take zatt as a clear statementt, zatt yu are still flyink for der Kaiser ant ze fazzerland, Zoomzoom!

Vell done, brave man - letzz have some crumpetz for tea! Mwmuahahahahahahaaaaa!!!

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I take zatt as a clear statementt, zatt yu are still flyink for der Kaiser ant ze fazzerland, Zoomzoom!

Vell done, brave man - letzz have some crumpetz for tea! Mwmuahahahahahahaaaaa!!!



But of course my dear fellow, did you ever really doubt it? I only occaisionally fly the aformentioned "Poo Poo" planes as a palate cleanser, and quickly thereafter I return to the true machines of excellence....The Albitri and Fokkers. Beauty AND power...who could ask for anything more? :clapping:



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Exxxactly!!! Mmuahahahahaaa!!!!

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If the dev's ever do manage to get the Ai to the point where everyone is happy with AI performance they will either be kidnapped by the military and never heard from again,,or they will end up working for NASA...

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If the dev's ever do manage to get the Ai to the point where everyone is happy with AI performance they will either be kidnapped by the military and never heard from again,,or they will end up working for NASA...


Much more likely they will be kidnapped by some Russians I can think of. :haha:

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What? They DONT already work for NASA?!


ZZ. :wink:

Edited by zoomzoom

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