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How do I get SF2 Vietnam running on my Vista SP2?

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...The fact it loads once means there's no inherent driver or other technical problem to solve, as was the case with earlier versions, it will come down to a file/rights problem I'm sure. ...


Yes, sounds very reasonable!

By now, neither did I find it transparent how Vista handles the users' rights... I hope, that I can easily re-assign "full rights to every user" to that folder the programm has created/written... From experience I know, it's not too easy to differenciate what rights to assign to what user/admin. (I thought admin can go everywhere and read/write wherever he wants - ever so wrong.) Hope I can solve this!


So, what I'll try is delete that newly created folder, then (hopefully be successful to) start the game anew, and lastly assign a.m. "full rights".


As said, this at least sounds reasonable - even to me... :rolleyes:

Cross your fingers....... :good:



edit: another thought - if I started the game not as admin but as user, I/the game should be able to access the folder... Then still it could be that, as the folder has been created by the game started as admin, could cause some trouble. Yet, that is another thing I might try: start game as user and see what happens...

Edited by stingray77

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Yep, try running the game under the user account owning the documents folder.


Vista is crap for rights management - "Admin" just isn't admin and "full rights" rarely are full rights.

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Yeah, maybe THAT's the route to take first, before fiddling with the rights.

But I think, that's a variant I already tried yesterday (so many attempts, I do not recall what I tried out).......

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You must install with admin rights, but you should run the game without admin rights just fine.

You shouldn't need to fiddle with folder permissions anywhere. It's possible there's a different reason for your issues than permissions...do you have the latest drivers for your video and sound?

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Okay, I just tried deleting the created folder in "my drive" - that brought me back to the Main Screen... (And - yes - it's version May 2009b!)

Cycling though open app's (alt+tab) works too, but it takes very long to switch to/from Strike Fighters.


Fiddling with the rights was to no avail... At least just assigning full rights to everybody didn't work! Again that message "SF doen't work any more..."...


You must install with admin rights, but you should run the game without admin rights just fine.

You shouldn't need to fiddle with folder permissions anywhere. It's possible there's a different reason for your issues than permissions...do you have the latest drivers for your video and sound?


But doesn't the above show there's something "wrong" with the folder??? Yes, opening "as user" is fully okay (as long as there is no folder existing) - no "admin" needed, but that doesn't solve the problem!


The graphics and sounds come up pretty well, too, and are displayed orderly in the graphics and sounds in "options" - so that (problems with the their drivers) cannot be the case, either - right?

Now what?


Maybe I SHOULD dive a little deeper into the permissions/rights assignments to folders, don't you think?


I'm still open to any new input, getting me ahead! Thanks so far...

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Got it solved with help from ThirdWire - here's what they recommended to try:


"First, don't open as Admin. That might take a few minutes to grant admin access. Just run it as is. Do not change any rights to folder.


Second, do you have the Vista Areo turn on (that fancy 3d menu system). If so, try disabling that and see if that improves anything."



1) switched off Aero

2) switched off WLAN/WiFi

3) switched off my antivirus... restart the game (not as admin!) and HERE WE GO! icon_biggrin.gif



4) switched back on WLAN/WiFi

5) switched back on my antivirus... restart the game once again and - BINGO, that works, too! icon_wink.gif


So, seems Aero seems to be the culprit...

As there doesn't seem to be any way of getting the two (game and Aero) live peacefully side by side (or can there be one?), and I'm quite fond of the Aero, I need to remember to switch it off everytime I want to take off! (At least that's not too much of an effort...)


Thank you VERY much for guiding me through this, too!



And another one: how/where can I assign the game to "play with" my TrackIR (5)?


Thanks and have a very nice weekend!


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Got it solved with help from ThirdWire - here's what they recommended to try:


"First, don't open as Admin. That might take a few minutes to grant admin access. Just run it as is. Do not change any rights to folder.


Second, do you have the Vista Areo turn on (that fancy 3d menu system). If so, try disabling that and see if that improves anything."



1) switched off Aero

2) switched off WLAN/WiFi

3) switched off my antivirus... restart the game (not as admin!) and HERE WE GO! icon_biggrin.gif



4) switched back on WLAN/WiFi

5) switched back on my antivirus... restart the game once again and - BINGO, that works, too! icon_wink.gif


So, seems Aero seems to be the culprit...

As there doesn't seem to be any way of getting the two (game and Aero) live peacefully side by side (or can there be one?), and I'm quite fond of the Aero, I need to remember to switch it off everytime I want to take off! (At least that's not too much of an effort...)


Thank you VERY much for guiding me through this, too!



And another one: how/where can I assign the game to "play with" my TrackIR (5)?


Thanks and have a very nice weekend!




Good for you! Actually, turning off something like Aero is probably a good idea in any event as I imagine it uses memory that could be better used by the sim.

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...still TW are trying to automatically disable Aero at SF2's startup - that would certainly be a breeze.......

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