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HUD Data on EVS Screen

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Any idea how I would get this on the B-52 EVS Screen?


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To be clear I just want the airspeed and heading only.

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If you have the 3d I think you could try adding them as counters (though I'm not sure they can work as digital counters in the ini).

If you don't have the model I don't think it's possible.

Edited by bobrock

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It was just a thought. I came up with something else I want to do.

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Probably not my place to interfere, but still, is it possible to make through ini editting a sort of a fake HUD, showing the required data and position it over the EVS screen?

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Could a regular HUD be positioned over where the screen is instead of out in the forward view?

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Could a regular HUD be positioned over where the screen is instead of out in the forward view?


Doesn't need to be. AFAIK, you can treat it exactly as one would a radar display. I have a feeling that our avionics mod-god extraordinaire (Crusader), will chime in and set everyone straight as to what is, and what isn't possible, in this situation.

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