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Baffin/Ripon project

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I was looking around for something interesting/unusual to skin. Is anyone interested in the Blackburn Ripon/Baffin? We have decent model of one over at Avsim but he skins could do with an update.


The Ripon (with a radial engine) was used by Finland, which has the only existing example of the type. The Baffin (many of them converted Ripons) was used as a trainer and coastal partrol aircraft by the RNZAF until 1941, when it was replaced by the Hudson.





Edited by LloydNB

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So, they're library is back online with SkippyBing's Baffin?? (we REALLY should upload it here, too! or isn't it already?? :dntknw: )


we really need to re-bug him again about his Stringbag; cause once I get done with the Solomons V3 and Okinawa V3, I'm going back to the Tunisia map -- they'll be needed for the attack on Taranto!!


btw -- vacation starts tommorrow, I'll be gone until late Thursday, so don't burn the place down!!



kevin stein

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With a bit of work and a whole lot of research this thing might not turn out too bad. The wings are coming along. Thank goodness for an evening with nothing worth watching on the tele.




Edited by LloydNB

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2 GR (Wellington) Squadron 1939-40


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While I'm at it, I might as well update Skippybing's original FAA skins - if he doesn't object.






Edited by LloydNB

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The Blackburn Ripon T.1 was initially developed with an in-line engine but the Finns added a radial engine and effectively created the first Baffin. In Finland it continued to be called the Ripon.


This skin is still in development. The wing markings are too big and it needs yellow tips to the underside of the lower wings and a yellow stripe on the fuselage.


Edited by LloydNB

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A bit of mucking about and you get a reasonable representation of a Finnish Ripon.


Edited by LloydNB

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Nice work on the textures Lloyd.


If the Baffin isn't already uploaded here could someone who has it add it? I'm not sure I've got the original zip archive as I think it was on the hard drive that died! More than happy for it to also include the updated textures.


Hopefully there may be some progress on the Swordfish before Christmas! I've recently received a more recent model than the one I was working with (it was about five years old so a much lower poly count than we can get away with today) which together with the cockpit I already had I should be exporting for FSX and SF as a more modern model than I would have managed carrying on with my original.

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SB: I sure hope so!!! There's a bunch of moored battleships at Taranto just waiting for the Stringbags to arrive!! (there's a pic of the harbor in the Tunisia Map Thread)


I'll probably have the terrain done well before December...but we can wait for the Swordfishes (Swordfishi??) to be released. CV Staion Judgement is already on the map, so....



kevin stein

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Thanks Skippybing


I'll try and load up the Baffin with my skins on the website this weekend.


I've been trying to follow the discussion over the last couple of years on how to remove attachments from aircraft by amending the data.ini file. Must be thick!! Is there a way of removing the arrestor hook? It would make for a more convincing Finnish Ripon.



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Lloyd: try this...


add these lines to the ]AircraftData[ section


///moves to remove things//




then, below that add this:









that should do



kevin stein

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This also works fine:


As Wrench showing above, in the *.*DATA.INI find the "[AircraftData]" list and add the lines below following the numeric sequence.







DestroyedNodeName=ArresterHook <---- name of the object you want to erase




That's it! :salute:

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Thanks guys.


I'll give it a go when I get home (work is a drag!!). I think I'll include a revised data.ini file with the Finnish skin so that anyone who is interested can make thier own Blackburn Ripon.



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Come across couple of things to solve before I issue the Finnish Ripon skin. I''ll probably create a single dark green decal and place it over the parts I'm having mapping problems with.



And thanks for the help with the arrester hook. As you can see, its gone.



Edited by LloydNB

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That would be my suggestion. That decal trick works a charm for ALL kinds of things!!



kevin stein

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Hi Wrench


I should probably cover the fuselage windows in the Baffin as well. I don't think the Ripon had them, unless someone has different information.


In the meantime, I think I'll start work on a couple of other projects. Another addition for East Africa post-2351-12530612962713_thumb.jpg

and I might start a Luftwaffe Ju-52/3m using my SAAF skin as a starting point.



Edited by LloydNB

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Odd, not sure why the mapping does that. Mind you it was '05 when I made it so who knows what I was thinking at the time!

Unfortunately at some point I lost the Max files in a hard drive crash so it's not easily fixable.


Incidentally, Swordfish model in FSX here

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Not totally sure about the Fury as I'm don't know who has the source files and what was used to make it. I have a sneaky feeling it may have been made in FSDS or gMax, if the former then it'll be hard to impossible to get in to WoX, if it's gMax it's not impossible just time consuming.

I think there's a project underway to make a native FSX Sea Fury which may be a better bet as it'll probably have a proper 3D VC, rather than relying on 2D gauges as most FS9 models do.

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I see... In truth, the only RN plane wich I really want to fly here is the BEAUTIFULL Firefly FR.5. The model we already have for WOX looks totaly wierd, both 3D and FM. Man, I love this plane! BTW, is there anyone in flight simms around? Just to look at. Thanks dude!!:drinks:

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Just a quick update, I'm still working on the Swordfish, pressure of real life has slowed things down slightly, apparently moving into a house can't happen overnight, especially if you're only there at weekends! Plus work is going to be hectic for another week or two. My plan is to have it and Victorious (as well as some FSX stuff) out by the end of January, mainly because I'm deployed for about six months from then...

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I'm looking forward to the Stringbag. No pressure, take your time and do it right.



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Good to hear you're still working on it!


January? That's cool...at the rate I'm going with the Tunisia map, I hope to have the terrain with CV Station Judgement ready by then!! :blink: (actualy, the carrier station is already there; I may have to retile Taranto Harbor, but we'll see...)



kevin stein

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Swordfish - tasty, i feel like a trip to taranto with that one.

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Some shots of the Swordfish in FSX, once she's released (soon now, just the sound set to go) I'll look at exporting the model to SF. Which is the easy bit...





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