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Anyone Remember this...

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Wow. And yet they kept open that lame "It's a small world" ride.


We were there several times since 1996 and always wondered if it would reopen. When we came back in 2004 and saw the wall, we knew it was closed for good.


Thanks for the link.

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:sad: That was a fun ride. I think I was fairly young when I went on it but I remember it being fascinating. I still love that whole setting with the lagoon/subs/20,000LUTS theme.

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I went when I was 5(1975) and I almost cried to see that squid all busted up and discarded.It gave me nightmares as a child and to see it in such a sorry state was kinda rough.Disney IMHO has been in a slow decline for decades and I think it's a matter of time before anything other than marketing toys and hoodies will be gone from Disney.

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That's sad. I'm pretty sure it was still in operation when I visited in '97. Last year I took Jen down and I couldn't find the damn ride anywhere! argh!

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According to that site, it was already down in 1997. The odd thing is I thought it was around later, too. I've been many many times since the mid-90s and I never noticed it was gone because I never looked for it! Not until when I was there a few months ago, that is, and I noticed the Pooh Playground.

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