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Army Strong!

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Reminds me when I was in Iraq. We had some guy from Ohio with us who was way overweight and he said that he was on a diet.... going to burger king everyday. Hell, he tried to crack a joke on me one night because I fell off the treadmill when the T.V. monitor I was watching in the gym was featuing the Dallas Cowboy's cheerleaders. He asked me, "How can you fall off a treadmill?" I replied, "Well, for you to understand that you first have to experience running on a treadmill one of these days." Shut the guy up for the entire night.

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"Sorry to hear of your family probs and your 6 months left in country. I've got 8 days, then I'm outta here. Freedom bird to BWI. "


well the family stuff is somewhat under control now. she's taking this one harder than kosovo or iraq. as for the 6 months i'm reminded of some air force docs i hung out with in iraq. especially towards the end of their 4th month they kept telling me " gee al you should cross into the blue"

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Early in My Career, The Joke was on the Navy Chiefs. Back in the Day, If any of You Guys saw a Bunch of them You'd understand why they say Chow is the best in the Navy. The majority of them wasn't in the Submariers. They couldn't fit through the Hatches.......lol



I can relate to the IRR Comments. In My time, The Draft was still going on. We'd get all kinds back then. All Shapes and Sizes, Colors. Some missing Didgets or Limbs.....Just short of being outright Felons. With Police Escorts to the MEPS Stations to boot.....



Of Course this is back in the Day when Navy Personnel were allowed to grow Facial Hair while deployed on Ship. Yep, At one time the Navy allowed Beards.........




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Of Course this is back in the Day when Navy Personnel were allowed to grow Facial Hair while deployed on Ship. Yep, At one time the Navy allowed Beards.........



That would explain why everyone and their mother had beards in 'The Final Countdown'.

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When I can find it Ill post it. I seem to remember an A.F. photo showing a command group pic with 4-5 different uniforms,about 6 odd headgear/covers,and an overweight female Major with her hands in her pockets (lol no wonder we called them Air Force pockets in my day lol)

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When I can find it Ill post it. I seem to remember an A.F. photo showing a command group pic with 4-5 different uniforms,about 6 odd headgear/covers,and an overweight female Major with her hands in her pockets (lol no wonder we called them Air Force pockets in my day lol)



I remember that photo. It was an ANG unit in Vermont. Yeah it was a funny pic.

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