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Doesn't Look Like A Lot Of Interest For Wwi Sims

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I hate to see a forum with as little action as this one. I for one would love to see an accurate WWI simulation, especially now that we have graphics as good as Il-2.

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I agree... There is little talk here. On the other hand tho, there are tons of WWI sim fans out there on other forums. :D

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just need to spread the word..after the new sim hits the market things will pick up.

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Indeed! I hope to God Knights Over Europe is a success...! :D We need an up-to-date WWI sim... Heck Im still flying RB3d and FS-WWI!!! Those sims are using 5-9 year old technology...

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I just took a look a look at some sites with Knight Over Europe stuff.

I think i would enjoy some WWI action. I haven't been missing it all that much but the pics of those fantatstic planes really got me longing for something without 45 different radar modes and discussions of the value of cobra manouvres.

I just hope that it will be a simmy tiltle - i seem to remember that the few WWI sims i did play seemed somewhat arcadish.

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I'm curious GhostDog, what WWI sims have you played? I've played everyone since Red Baron I and Knights of the Sky. :)


I do agree tho that the last good attempt at a full fledged WWI sim was Red Baron 3d (And even that at the time had many drawbacks) and something really needs to be done about it! That was almost 10 years ago! We've had nothing but mods and packs since... No commercial WWI sim. :( Really saddens and upsets me. WWI air combat IMO is the very essense of areial combat.

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It think it was Red Baron. But as you say it was a long time ago.

If a quality WWI sim came out i would definately buy it.

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Red Baron was a very good sim in its day... Ah the joys I had shooting down the Red Baron and painting my own aircraft! :D

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Hmm, I too would buy a good WWI sim. Ah swooping down on trenches and lighting up the place... hand dropped bombs... and brick throwing.


Now thats A2A combat, maneuvering while winging bricks, and shooting revolvers.


Side note, I have almost no experience with WWI sims, I think I may have played Red Baron 1 many many years ago, think I was trying to shoot down a zeppelin or something the one time I played it.


Also I did go up against an F4U Corsair in a Sopwith Camel in online play for CFSII, think it got rather boring, kinda like flying a P11c in IL2.

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I play sometimes on a old pc Red Baron. I have a x-box now, but I can't find anymore new ww1 games for x-box. Somebody has a tip for me?


And I'm not only intrest in ww1 games, also the warhistory itself.

Last year I visit Ieper (Ypres) and Passchendale in Belgium.

To see those trenches and thinking about the horror at that time.




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heh, I like that description snapple. That would be fun, flying with joystick with one hand and pointing a revolver with the mouse with another... Sounds like fun!!! the best mixture of fps and sim, lol. Dive bombing trenches...


I'm interested in a good WWI sim, just as much as any other era sim. Heck, a good WWI sim, IL2, Jet Thunder, and LOMAC, you've got the whole spectrum!

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