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Guest Barnstorm

Richthofen Bio on History Intl Ch

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Guest Barnstorm

Greetings to All:

I am making my obligatory bi-weekly appearance (it seems). I wish I was here and flying as much as I was driving these days.




On Monday Aug 17 @0800 on History Intl Ch (271 DirecTV) they are airing a HR biography on Manfred von Richthofen. Like the 'The Blue Max' movie a couple of weeks ago, I will be DVR-ing it, then coping it to DVD.


I don't know how old this is, or if you have seen it before, but there you go.

Edited by Barnstorm

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Thanks Barnstorm! Always glad to hear from another Barn!

Gonna record it...I wonder if they will show that the real person who shot down MVR was RNS 8 pilot Archibald B. Wellington...?

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Guest Barnstorm


After watching "Histories Mysteries", I thought there was some evidence that Richthofen may have been killed by ground fire...the "Golden BB", if you will. I know A.B. Wellington was credited wit the kill, but that has been a source of contention for 90 some years. I have no "dog in this fight", so I don't want to appear to dispute what you say, just offering a alternative scenario.


Glad you found my post helpful...

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heh. Actually Barnstorm I was referring to MY OFF pilot, Archibald B. Wellington who shot down both Richtofen's last week.... :smile:

I did do it, it was hard, and I should be credited for it!

OVS says it's "unconfirmed" bah!


As to the non virtual pilot who may or may not have actually shot MVR down, eh....we have no answers mate.



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Guest Barnstorm

I thought there was a Canadian pilot by that name who was credited with the kill....

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Roy Brown is the Canadian pilot with No. 209 Squadron who was credited with the kill. I believe the evidence is clear that although Brown's attack was spirited, it was ineffective. Ground fire killed Richthofen, but as to naming the exact man who pulled the trigger? I'm not willing to go that far. Popkin gets a lot of credit for that, but so many guys fired at him I believe it could have been anyone.

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Guest Barnstorm

Thank you, JFM for the clarification on pilot names. Much obliged.

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After watching "Histories Mysteries", I thought there was some evidence that Richthofen may have been killed by ground fire...the "Golden BB", if you will. I know A.B. Wellington was credited wit the kill, but that has been a source of contention for 90 some years. I have no "dog in this fight", so I don't want to appear to dispute what you say, just offering a alternative scenario.


Glad you found my post helpful...


Archibald Wellington. :rofl:


I thinkk the general consensus is the two strongest claims are Capt Brown and Sgt Popkin. Popkin's seems stronger given the angle of entry, but a jinking, weaving triplane followed by a jinking, weaving pursuing Camel mean that Brown's claim can't be discounted and it'll probably never been conclusively solved.

Edited by JohnGresham

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If only we had CSI Somme,i bet Gil Grissom's Grandfarther could of cleared it up?

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"COUGH, COUGH (absolutely) COUGH, COUGH, COUGH ! (Brown all the way)"

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