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Winston DoRight

Player flight density

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After the super patch and mini patch, why does it give me less planes in my squadrons flights if I select high density, and more planes if I select normal density? :dntknw:

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Don't know, if I have the same to happen. But unless that gets changed, I would use

the experience made and use "normal" or even "low" (if it exists).

You could ask the team, what exactly "flight density" does?

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The button doesn't work Winston, see WM's and my explanation in your other "open letter" thread.


i.e. before it was ALWAYS, wrongly, overriding what the sim dictated according to historical weightings. So if you have lower player flight density, and the sim knew this was a time for large numbers, you'd have a few craft, and the enemy would have loads or vice versa i.e. balance was ruined. Fly along behind your ACE flight if you want safety in numbers.

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Just checking...am I reading this correct that the flight density choices ('normal' and 'high') are no longer functional so there is no need to worry about which to use? Thanks!

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Just checking...am I reading this correct that the flight density choices ('normal' and 'high') are no longer functional so there is no need to worry about which to use? Thanks!


Yes - I have removed them in 1.32c - I forgot to do this for SP.



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The button doesn't work Winston, see WM's and my explanation in your other "open letter" thread.


i.e. before it was ALWAYS, wrongly, overriding what the sim dictated according to historical weightings. So if you have lower player flight density, and the sim knew this was a time for large numbers, you'd have a few craft, and the enemy would have loads or vice versa i.e. balance was ruined. Fly along behind your ACE flight if you want safety in numbers.


Thanks for the info. Yes, it seems that in 1.32c with the buttons removed now it seems to generate more flights with 3 wingmen rather than 2 wingmen as it was in 1.32b.

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Thanks for the info. Yes, it seems that in 1.32c with the buttons removed now it seems to generate more flights with 3 wingmen rather than 2 wingmen as it was in 1.32b.


There is no change in OOB or flight density from 1.32b to 1.32c - what you are seeing is the OOB rating system at work.




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