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AI Attackers/Bombers and Air to Air...

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This is a bit of a random question, but aircraft that are classified as "Attack" or "Bomber" in their data.ini... Assuming they have the means to do so (ie, guns, AAMs etc), how often will they take you on during single/campaign missions. I know the AI has (had) a tendency to ignore incoming aircraft unless they're operating near their AO. But I can't seem to remember an occurrence where I was intercepting hostile A-10s/Su-17s/F-15Es and seeing them return fire with their AAMs. That said though, there's generally a lot going on when I play and the AOs are filled with large numbers of aircraft and I might lose track of what's going on; Or it might be relative to the difficulty settings and so on. But I'm really curious about it now. I figure the classification is based along the lines of:


Bomber: Evasive manoeuvres only.

Attack: Will tangle with me if it identifies me as a direct threat

Fighter: Will go toe to toe with me because "He has the minerals".


Am I on the right track. Most of what I know about this sim is relative to the aircraft themselves, not the makeup of the AI... or much else really.

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When I'm tasked to intercept enemy bombers that have rear/tail guns I have to dodge those green tracers. As far as any other bomber or attack plane they have not been able to get on my 6 to even try a heater shot. taking on fighters is a different story, As we all have been jumped even before we get to the target area and while flying strike or any A2G mission I have been jumped, chased, and managed to down a few fighters in my attack plane.

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In my experience:


Attack will try to evade and get low - like the IL-28 for example.


Fighter will attack you if they have guns - but if they have no guns and missiles they just seem to evade or make a run for the target.


Bomber will fly high in formation and rely on guns if they have them.

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I coincide with the classification of Mig Buster, this is exactly what has happened to me

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