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This sim keeps getting better and better...

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After the Superpatch and followup minis, the menus and added features look as good as the sim plays. Just beautiful. It's a shame other software developers don't follow your example for a drive to excellence and followup service and support. You guys are setting a standard that very few other developers will be able to reproduce. Thank you for the absolutely tireless work and painstaking attention to detail.




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Cheers Cobra. If we had more hours in the day we would have gotten here sooner of course, but now we have OFF at a place we think we can live with.


It will get better too.

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luv this sim having a good time. I never know whats going to happen like getting suckered in to an ambush its immerseive and u got to keep ur wits about u.

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That's British understatement, Pol: "...I think we can live with."

Check the review of OFF in simouthouse, that Shredward has posted.


Yes, we can live with it - but could we live without it? Me, I would find it more than hard.

Rather than living without OFF, I prefer to die in it, as often as I must. :salute:

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