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Hunters around the World

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Hi Paulo


We can now call you "The Hunters Master".

I'm waiting for SF2:I myself, but what about a Jordanian Hunter for WOI?


Dear Guyran,


we have a very good WoI skin here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=7148


I'don't think I could do better than LloydNB.


You now that Israel theatre is my favorite and when SF2:I will be out (at last) I'll work on a new Jordanian Hunter SF2 skin.

I have just done a Lebanese one (see above, please), but I was waiting SF2:I to polish and upload.


I hope that when my home PC will be back at home SF2:I will be out .... maybe in time for the Yom Kippur :drinks:



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Dear Guyran,


we have a very good WoI skin here: http://forum.combata...s&showfile=7148


I'don't think I could do better than LloydNB.




Paulo, This is only the skin.

I need the whole flyable Jordanian Hunter.

Yom Kippur is soon, you know...:grin:

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Paulo, This is only the skin.

I need the whole flyable Jordanian Hunter.

Yom Kippur is soon, you know...:grin:


Ok understood. What You need is a WoI flyable Hunter.

You only need a cockpit and make some changes (there is a tutorial somewhere)


If you have WoE is very esasy:

extract the WOE Hunter FGA9 cockpit files and cockpit.ini, put everything in Hunter73 folder and update the Hunter73.ini.


Paul :good:


If you need better help on monday I hope my Pc will be back and I will be with you

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Well, after a little "rest" my PC is back ... with all my files recovered :heat:


... so a new serie of KLU Huntes (thanks to Derk) is taking off.





Stay tuned, please.



Paul :good:

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The PNG stationed Hunters! Sweeet!

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here you go



I know it is some off topic, but are those oerlikon 80mm rocket launchers? I may PM you for something, if you don´t mind

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KLU Hunters F.4/F.6 out now.





Paul :heat:

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Thank you Paulo! :good:


My pleasure, Carlo.


Only for You the next one in the pipeline (waiting for that damned SF2 Israel!)




Any news about that little Swiss friend ?


Can't wait.




Paolo :drinks:

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Caused of some healthy issues, Volker has made a pause on the projects he was working on.

But now he feels better and hopefully the F.Mk 58 will be finished fast.

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After some French holydays I'm back in ..... Sweden!!


The new, right, perfect outer pylon is by Spillone104 e NGHENGO


post-5138-12570238866474.jpg post-5138-12570239005257.jpg


What a real beauty! Ragazzi è una bellezza! :yikes:


post-5138-12570239107963.jpg post-5138-12570239220387.jpg


Any hints for CAS and Strike weapons on those brand new pylons .....


....... calling for Knug our man in Sweden or anybody has references.


I'm very proud of this J-34 now. Thank You Alex and Mau.


Paolo :flyer:

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One more pic for Knug our man in Sweden








Paul :bye:

Edited by paulopanz

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Nice work Paulo :good: Looking real good

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Nice work Paulo :good: Looking real good



Here we are my Viking friends ... uploading now.


:drinks: Paul :drinks:


post-5138-12572081952565.jpg post-5138-12572081738302.jpg


post-5138-12572081518954.jpg post-5138-12572081348751.jpg

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