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My that's a big bird

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I never realized how big an Antonov 225 was until I saw one parked on my flightline today. Its about the size of a C-5, maybe bigger, and it can fly, right Dave? :) If I can get some pictures of it, I'll post 'em here, but my. Base is kind of funny about those kind of things.

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they are a little bigger than a C-5 typical russian mentalitygrin.gif see em now and again here at the airfield along with IL-76s that NATO charters. and they make the same sick whale whine when they take off as a Galaxy. now if i could just get on one outbound......



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You mean you saw the An-225. There's only one, it's the Highlander of cargo planes. :wink:

The 124 is slightly bigger than a C-5, the 225 is quite a bit bigger than the 124 as far as wingspan and MTO.

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You mean you saw the An-225. There's only one, it's the Highlander of cargo planes. :wink:

The 124 is slightly bigger than a C-5, the 225 is quite a bit bigger than the 124 as far as wingspan and MTO.


Perhaps it is a 124. I'm not very keen on Russian transport aircraft. I just did a search on it and compared it to the pictures that I saw online.

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Easy spotting guide:


124 - 4 engines, single fin for tail

225 - 6 engines, twin tail ala B-24

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I've seen the AN-225 fly over my house about two years back when it was landing at Manchester Airport. Its bloody massive! It makes a 747 look like a Gulf Stream!

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