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Bit of help needed please

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Hi All,


Dont 'think' I have changed anything, but have noticed this 'wave like' anomoly on a certain texture.

All others seem ok, but this (I would think is an Antriosopic or Anti- Alias issue?...but I dont know how to get rid of it?


Can post my Nvidia settings too if that helps?



Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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They have added rows of crop like corn or barley on some fields.

So I should think, it's simply that?

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No help from me as I have the same thing. Not a big deal, and I just ignore it, but if a solution gets posted I will be grateful too.

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They have added rows of crop like corn or barley on some fields. So I should think, it's simply that?


That's what I'm thinking. The 3D plants are rows of dotted lines, effectively, and they each cast a shadow. As your angle of view changes, you see a moire' sort of pattern that ripples.

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I started noticing the same thing too....was in an area that i dont fly too much, so figured it was just a bad "cell"

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ah ok...don't like it personally..but hey ho :grin:

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Thank you, I've seen the same thing and was thinking that maybe my install was to blame. Now I know that I'm not the only crazy one. :blink::rofl:

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Now I know that I'm not the only crazy one.


Certainly not.

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Now I know that I'm not the only crazy one.


Yes, you are. But remember that "the wise man and the dog goeth in the end unto the same door", and that "if ignorance is bliss, then t'is folly to be wise". I actually envy you. It's truly better to be crazy than insanse rofl.gif

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I've seen it too Widowmaker, and I'm not crazy either. Paranoid schizophrenic maybe....."Oh shut up, you are not!"....."Yes I am, and who asked you?"....."Oh, what, and I suppose you're trying to be funny now?"....."Phhhey, what would you know from humor, you great dull git!"....."Be quiet, you're making a scene, and now they're all looking at you!"....."No they're not, they're looking at you!"....."They are? Oh God they are, aren't they. What do we do now?"....."Shhhh, hide. Be quiet. Maybe they'll go away.".....

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Guys its an artifact caused by MIPs and the fact that its a detailed tile - it can be ameliorated by AA and Aniso settings in your Vid card.


There is no fault with the tile itself.





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Ah, good! Now zatt iss cleared, could vee - pleeese - carry on viss der war?

In only four years to fight it, vee may need some better concentrashion on

der fightink, Gentlemen!

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The Random House Dictonary says: Ameliorate - to make or become better; improve.


Could you please explain what is a MIP and how these tiles are being ameliorated with these graphical "glitches" ???





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