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WOE Crash to restart.

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Hello all,


I have an NVIDIA 6600GT and dont really know very much about computers at all.


All I know is that without knowingly changing anything, now whenever I load up a mission on WOE (regardless of type or terrain etc.) I get a crash to restart at about 80% load.


I have reinstalled and I also get the problem on IL-2 and on Lomac and FSX but on the latter two it is after several minutes of flying.


Older 3d programs work without incident.


Can anyone help!? Its driving me crazy!!




- Alex

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Update your drivers and see if that doesn't fix it. Because if I read it right, the 6600GT isn't a cheap card, and should run all three (especially WOE) fine. Also check your DirectX and see if that's not the culprit either.

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Also important, what OS (vista or XP), and what game patch level??



kevin stein

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Yes I would try installing the latest Direct X - there should be links on Thirdwires home page


Later Video drivers for the 6600 may be worth trying - should be at Nvidias site - read the install instructions.

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Sorry to answer this with yet another technical problem(!) but whenever I try and download Direct X from microsoft.com the file is 0bytes! (and unusable).


Downloads from other sites work fine, and this problem is on firefox and IE... any ideas?


- Alex

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Can you put a link to which page you are trying to get it from?

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I go that link - get a dialog box - click "save"


And have dxwebsetup.exe (294KB)


thats firefox - are you getting any messages about blocked files etc in IE?

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